aircraft cabin pressure

aircraft cabin pressure
давление в кабине воздушного судна

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "aircraft cabin pressure" в других словарях:

  • Aircraft cabin — An aircraft cabin is the section of an aircraft in which passengers travel, often just called the cabin. At cruising altitudes, the surrounding atmosphere is too thin to breathe without an oxygen mask, so cabin pressurization adapts the cabin to… …   Wikipedia

  • Cabin pressurization — is the active pumping of compressed air into an aircraft cabin when flying at altitude to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for crew and passengers in the low outside atmospheric pressure.Pressurization is essential over 3,000 m (10,000 …   Wikipedia

  • cabin differential pressure — The difference between pressure inside and outside the cabin of a pressurized aircraft. The maximum differential pressure that can be maintained is a function of aircraft structure. It is desirable to have cabin pressure as close to the sea level …   Aviation dictionary

  • Aircraft flight control systems — consist of flight control surfaces, the respective cockpit controls, connecting linkages, and the necessary operating mechanisms to control an aircraft s direction in flight. Aircraft engine controls are also considered as flight controls as they …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft noise — is defined as sound produced by any aircraft or its components, during various phases of a flight, on the ground while parked such as auxiliary power units, while taxiing, on run up from propeller and jet exhaust, during take off, underneath and… …   Wikipedia

  • cabin altitude — noun The nominal pressure maintained in the cabin of a pressurized aircraft • • • Main Entry: ↑cabin …   Useful english dictionary

  • pressure cabin — noun cabin consisting of the pressurized section of an aircraft or spacecraft • Hypernyms: ↑cabin * * * noun : an airplane cabin in which near normal atmospheric pressure can be maintained by a supercharger during high altitude flight * * * Aeron …   Useful english dictionary

  • cabin altitude — The pressure altitude corresponding to pressure inside the cabin or, in the case of combat aircraft, the cockpit. Above a certain altitude, the crew tries to maintain a constant cabin altitude. Typical cabin altitude for combat and passenger… …   Aviation dictionary

  • pressure — 01. I felt a lot of [pressure] when I did my presentation. 02. She chose a career she wasn t really interested in, under [pressure] from her parents. 03. Her parents are putting a lot of [pressure] on her to get married, but she isn t interested …   Grammatical examples in English

  • pressure vessel — i. The portion of an aircraft structure of a pressurized aircraft that is sealed and pressurized in flight. It normally consists of the cockpit and the cabin. Also called a pressure capsule. ii. A container for gas under high pressure …   Aviation dictionary

  • aircraft — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. See aviation. II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. airplane, jet, balloon, helicopter, dirigible, blimp, lighter than air craft, airship, airliner, zeppelin, *chopper, *egg beater, flying machine,… …   English dictionary for students

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