- design power
расчётная [проектная\] мощность
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
design power — skaičiuojamoji galia statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. design power vok. Entwurfleistung, f; Verrechnungsleistung, f rus. расчётная мощность, f pranc. puissance calculée, f ryšiai: sinonimas – projektinė galia … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Thermal Design Power — The Thermal Design Power (TDP) (sometimes called Thermal Design Point) represents the maximum amount of power the cooling system in a computer is required to dissipate. For example, a laptop s CPU cooling system may be designed for a 20 W TDP,… … Wikipedia
Thermal Design Power — Le TDP (Thermal Design Power en anglais) d’un semi conducteur est l’enveloppe thermique de celui ci, il est exprimé en watts. Le TDP renseigne sur la consommation électrique et la chaleur à dissiper/évacuer d’un semi conducteur, utiles aux… … Wikipédia en Français
Thermal Design Power — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Thermal Design Power (TDP) (algunas veces denominado Thermal Design Point) representa la máxima cantidad de calor que necesita disipar el sistema de refrigeración de un ordenador. Por ejemplo, una CPU de un ordenador … Wikipedia Español
Thermal Design Power — Mit Thermal Design Power (Abkürzung: TDP, gelegentlich auch falsch: Thermal Design Point) wird in der Elektronikindustrie ein maximaler Wert für die thermische Verlustleistung eines Prozessors oder anderer elektronischer Bauteile bezeichnet, auf… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thermal Design Power — TDP (англ. thermal design power), иногда (англ. thermal design point) максимальная расчётная потребляемая процессором мощность. Чем больше TDP, тем больше процессор потребляет энергии и, соответственно, греется. Потребление энергии особенно… … Википедия
Power optimization (EDA) — Power optimization refers to the use of electronic design automation tools to optimize (reduce) the power consumption of a digital design, while preserving the functionality.Introduction and historyThe increasing speed and complexity of today’s… … Wikipedia
Power management — is a feature of some electrical appliances, especially copiers, computers and computer peripherals such as monitors and printers, that turns off the power or switches the system to a low power state when inactive. One power management standard… … Wikipedia
Power virus — A power virus is a malicious computer program that executes specific machine code in order to reach the maximum CPU power dissipation (thermal energy output for the central processing unit). Computer cooling apparatus are designed to dissipate… … Wikipedia
Power systems CAD — refers to computer aided design (CAD) software tools that are used to design and simulate complex electrical power systems. Such power systems are typically found in mission critical facilities such as computer data centers, network operations… … Wikipedia
Power Mac G4 — The Graphite Power Mac G4 Developer Apple Inc. Release date August 31, 1999 Discontinued June 9, 2004 … Wikipedia