Смотреть что такое "DERDS" в других словарях:
Deards — Recorded as Deard, Derd, Durd, the diminutives Durden, Durdon, Durdin, Durdon, Dirdy, Durdie and Durdy, the patronymics Deards, Deardes, Derds, Derdes, Durdes and the very rare and possibly extinct Durdson, this is an English medieval surname. It … Surnames reference
Derdes — Recorded as Deard, Derd, Durd, the diminutives Durden, Durdon, Durdin, Durdon, Dirdy, Durdie and Durdy, the patronymics Deards, Deardes, Derds, Derdes, Durdes and the very rare and possibly extinct Durdson, this is an English medieval surname. It … Surnames reference