- denim
1) джинсовая ткань2) мн. ч. комбинезон или брюки из джинсовой ткани
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
denim — [ dənim ] n. m. • av. 1973; mot angl. amér., du nom de la ville de Nîmes ♦ Anglic. Tissu sergé servant à fabriquer les jeans. ⇒ jean. Une salopette « en denim bleu » (Le Clézio). ● denim nom masculin (de toile de Nîmes) Tissu de coton en armure… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Denim — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Jeans hechos de denim, con un roblón de cobre para reforzar el bolsillo. El denim o mezclilla es un tejido empleado en la confección de ropa de trabajo. Aunque no hay unanimidad sobre el origen, diversos estudios… … Wikipedia Español
Denim — Denim, eigentlich serge de Nîmes („Gewebe aus Nîmes“), ist ein sehr robuster Baumwollstoff in Köperbindung, aus dem später von Levi Strauss die erste klassische Jeans gemacht wurde. Traditionell wird für Denim ein Kettköper verwendet, bei dem nur … Deutsch Wikipedia
Denim — Denim is a cotton fabric from France called serge de Nimes used in 1849 by Levi Strauss to make pants that were worn by thousands of men who traveled West during the Gold Rush. By the twenty first century, denim had taken on a totally new… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
denim — 1690s, from Fr. serge de Nîmes serge from Nîmes, town in southern France. Application to coarse cotton cloth is first recorded 1850 in Amer.Eng. Denims pants made of denim recorded from 1868. The place name is Roman Nemausus, said to be… … Etymology dictionary
denim — dènim m DEFINICIJA pamučna tkanina od tvrdo uvijene pređe kojoj je u osnovi indigo, a u potki je neobojena; džins, traper ETIMOLOGIJA engl. denim ← fr. de Nîmes: iz (francuskoga grada) Nima … Hrvatski jezični portal
Denim — Den im (d[e^]n [i^]m), n. [Of uncertain origin.] A coarse cotton drilling used for overalls, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dènim — m pamučna tkanina od tvrdo uvijene pređe kojoj je u osnovi indigo, a u potki je neobojena; traper, džins ✧ {{001f}}engl. ← fr … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
denim — /ingl. ˈdɛnɪm/ [da de Nîmes, città della Francia dove si produceva] s. m. inv. tela jeans, jeans … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
denim — ► NOUN 1) a hard wearing cotton twill fabric, typically blue. 2) (denims) jeans or other clothes made of such fabric. ORIGIN from French serge de Nîmes, denoting serge from the manufacturing town of Nîmes … English terms dictionary
denim — [den′im] n. [< Fr ( serge) de Nîmes, (serge) of Nîmes, where first made] a coarse, twilled, sturdy cotton cloth used as for jeans, overalls, and uniforms … English World dictionary