defined zero

defined zero
условный нуль

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "defined zero" в других словарях:

  • Zero-point energy — is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state and have an associated zero point energy, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero Moment Point — is a concept related with dynamics and control of legged locomotion, e.g., for humanoid robots. It specifies the point with respect to which dynamic reaction force at the contact of the foot with the ground does not produce any moment, i.e. the… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero tolerance — policies are studied in criminology and are common in formal and informal policing systems around the world.Fact|date=December 2007 The policies also appear in informal situations where there may be sexual harassment or Internet misuse in… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-based numbering — is numbering in which the initial element of a sequence is assigned the index 0, rather than the index 1 as is typical in everyday circumstances. Under zero based numbering, the initial element is sometimes termed the zeroth element, rather than… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-knowledge web application — Zero knowledge web applications are a special kind of online services that were defined and introduced by the development team at [ Clipperz] in 2006. They dubbed their online password manager the first zero knowledge web… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero Girl — is a five issue comic book written and illustrated by Sam Kieth, published by Homage Comics.The plot concerns high school student Amy Smootster, and her attempts to start a relationship with her guidance counselor Tim. Another plot thread follows …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-differential overlap — is an approximation that is used to ignore certain integrals, usually two electron repulsion integrals, in Semi empirical quantum chemistry methods quantum chemistry molecular orbital methods.If the molecular orbitals mathbf{Phi} i are expanded… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-level elevation — Zero elevation surface is a widely accepted vertical reference point that is used to describe a surface, such as that of a planet. The value of this datum is usually adopted by statute. This elevation is used, for example, to build a texture map… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero field splitting — describes various interactions of the energy levels of an electron spin (S>1/2) even in the absence of an applied magnetic field. It is important in the electron spin resonance of biological molecules.The value of the ZFS parameter is usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-point field — In quantum field theory, the zero point field is the lowest energy state of a field, i.e. its ground state, which is non zero. [cite book | last = Gribbin | first = John | title = Q is for Quantum An Encyclopedia of Particle Physics | publisher …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-product property — In the mathematical areas of algebra and analysis, the zero product property, also known as the zero product rule , is an abstract and explicit statement of the familiar property from elementary mathematics that if the product of two real numbers …   Wikipedia

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