
удаление перьев, ощипка (птицы)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "defeathering" в других словарях:

  • poultry processing — Introduction       preparation of meat from various types of fowl (poultry) for consumption by humans.       Poultry is a major source of consumable animal protein. For example, per capita consumption of poultry in the United States has more than …   Universalium

  • Game (food) — Game is any animal hunted for food or not normally domesticated (such as venison). Game animals are also hunted for sport.The type and range of animals hunted for food varies in different parts of the world. This will be influenced by climate,… …   Wikipedia

  • dressed weight — The weight of an animal after slaughter, defeathering, or skinning and evisceration …   Combined glossary of agriculture

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