decorative enamel

decorative enamel
декоративно-художественная эмаль

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "decorative enamel" в других словарях:

  • enamel — ► NOUN 1) a coloured opaque glassy substance applied to metal, glass, or pottery for decorative or protective purposes. 2) the hard glossy substance that covers the crown of a tooth. 3) a paint that dries to give a smooth, hard coat. ► VERB… …   English terms dictionary

  • battersea enamel — ˈbad.ə(r)sē , atə , si noun Usage: usually capitalized B Etymology: from Battersea, metropolitan borough of London, England : 18th century English decorative enamel work with painted or transfer designs on a usually white background …   Useful english dictionary

  • Vitreous enamel — In a discussion of material science, enamel (or vitreous enamel or porcelain enamel in U.S. English) is the colorful result of fusing powdered glass to a substrate by firing, usually between 750 and 850 degrees Celsius. The powder melts and flows …   Wikipedia

  • Ludlow wall box — In the UK, a Ludlow wall box is a post box where mail is deposited to be collected by the Royal Mail and forwarded to the addressee. They are built into stone pillars or the walls of buildings and are never found free standing. This is because… …   Wikipedia

  • Marble Arch tube station — Marble Arch …   Wikipedia

  • enameler — noun A person who applies enamel, especially a craftsman who applies decorative enamel …   Wiktionary

  • enamelware — noun a) Articles coated with decorative enamel b) Cooking utensils that have a corrosion resistant layer of enamel fused to the surface …   Wiktionary

  • cloi|son|né — «KLOY zuh NAY», noun, adjective. –n. a decorative enamel applied to a metal surface between thin metal strips, fixed on edge, which outline the design and prevent the various colors from running together. After the enamel is fired, the surface is …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sword of Saints Cosmas and Damian — The sword in its scabbard The Sword of Saints Cosmas and Damian, also known as the Sword of Essen, is a ceremonial weapon in Essen Abbey. It was a gift from Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor to the convent in Essen in 993 AD and symbolises the… …   Wikipedia

  • enameller — enamel ► NOUN 1) a coloured opaque glassy substance applied to metal, glass, or pottery for decorative or protective purposes. 2) the hard glossy substance that covers the crown of a tooth. 3) a paint that dries to give a smooth, hard coat. ►… …   English terms dictionary

  • Milk glass — Decorative pedestal milk glass bowl Milk glass is an opaque or translucent,[citation needed] milky white or colored glass, blown or pressed into a wide variety of shapes. First made in Venice in the 16th century, colors include blue, pin …   Wikipedia

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