- absolute-temperature scale
термодинамическая [абсолютная\] температурная шкала, шкала Кельвина
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
absolute temperature scale — Thermodynam. temperature (absolute temperature) as measured on a scale in which the hypothetical lowest limit of physical temperatures is assigned the value zero (absolute zero), as the Kelvin scale. Also called absolute scale. * * * ▪ physics… … Universalium
absolute temperature scale — Also called the absolute scale temperature as measured on a scale in which the hypothetical lowest limit of physical temperature is assigned the value zero. The Kelvin scale is an example of the absolute temperature scale … Dictionary of automotive terms
absolute temperature scale — absoliučioji temperatūros skalė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Nesisteminis termodinaminės temperatūros skalės pavadinimas. atitikmenys: angl. absolute temperature scale vok. absolute Temperaturskala, f rus.… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
absolute temperature scale — absoliučioji temperatūros skalė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. absolute temperature scale vok. absolute Temperaturskala, f rus. абсолютная шкала температур, f pranc. échelle absolue des températures, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
absolute temperature scale — Thermodynam. temperature (absolute temperature) as measured on a scale in which the hypothetical lowest limit of physical temperatures is assigned the value zero (absolute zero), as the Kelvin scale. Also called absolute scale … Useful english dictionary
absolute temperature scale — ab′solute tem′perature scale n. thr a scale for measuring temperature in which the hypothetical lowest limit is assigned the value zero, designated absolute zero, as the Kelvin or Rankine scale … From formal English to slang
Absolute temperature — Absolute Ab so*lute, a. [L. absolutus, p. p. of absolvere: cf. F. absolu. See {Absolve}.] 1. Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional; as, absolute authority, monarchy, sovereignty, an absolute promise or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
absolute temperature — n. temperature measured from absolute zero on the Kelvin scale or on the Rankine scale * * * … Universalium
absolute temperature — n. temperature measured from absolute zero on the Kelvin scale or on the Rankine scale … English World dictionary
temperature scale — noun a system of measuring temperature • Hypernyms: ↑scale, ↑scale of measurement, ↑graduated table, ↑ordered series, ↑system of measurement, ↑metric • Hyponyms: ↑Celsius … Useful english dictionary
absolute temperature — noun temperature measured on the absolute scale (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑temperature * * * ˌabsolute ˈtemperature 7 [absolute temperature] noun uncountable … Useful english dictionary