decision(-making) device

decision(-making) device
решающее устройство; устройство принятия решений

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "decision(-making) device" в других словарях:

  • Decision-making software — (DMS) is a term integrating decision analysis tools to facilitate a person s decision making process, which results in a choice of a course of action or a variant among several alternatives. DMS belongs to the class of decision support systems… …   Wikipedia

  • Collaborative decision-making software — Collaborative decision making (CDM) software is a software application or module that coordinates the functions and features required to arrive at timely collective decisions, enabling all relevant stakeholders to participate in the process. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Info-gap decision theory — is a non probabilistic decision theory that seeks to optimize robustness to failure – or opportuneness for windfall – under severe uncertainty,[1][2] in particular applying sensitivity analysis of the stability radius type[3] to perturbations in… …   Wikipedia

  • Commitment device — Dubner and Levitt define a commitment device as a means with which to lock yourself into a course of action that you might not otherwise choose but that produces a desired result (Dubner and Levitt 2007). Put differently, a commitment device is… …   Wikipedia

  • Executive Decision — This article is about the film. For the Bad Azz album, see Executive Decision (album). Executive Decision Theatrical release poster Directed by …   Wikipedia

  • Programmable logic device — A programmable logic device or PLD is an electronic component used to build reconfigurable digital circuits. Unlike a logic gate, which has a fixed function, a PLD has an undefined function at the time of manufacture. Before the PLD can be used… …   Wikipedia

  • History of the United States National Security Council 1977–1981 — This article is about the history of the United States National Security Council during the Carter Administration, 1977 1981:President Carter s goalsJimmy Carter began his term determined to eliminate the abuses he ascribed to the Kissinger… …   Wikipedia

  • Zbigniew Brzezinski — 10th United States National Security Advisor In office January 20, 1977 – January 20, 1981 President Jimmy Carter …   Wikipedia

  • international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… …   Universalium

  • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS — THE PRE MANDATE (LATE OTTOMAN) PERIOD Geography and Borders In September 1923 a new political entity was formally recognized by the international community. Palestine, or Ereẓ Israel as Jews have continued to refer to it for 2,000 years,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • computer — computerlike, adj. /keuhm pyooh teuhr/, n. 1. Also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Cf. analog… …   Universalium

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