decimal switch

decimal switch
декадный переключатель

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "decimal switch" в других словарях:

  • Comparison of C Sharp and Java — The correct title of this article is Comparison of C# and Java. The substitution or omission of the # sign is because of technical restrictions. Programming language comparisons General comparison Basic syntax Basic instructions …   Wikipedia

  • IBM 1620 — The IBM 1620 was announced by IBM on October 21, 1959 and marketed as an inexpensive scientific computer . After a total production of about two thousand machines, it was withdrawn on November 19, 1970. Modified versions of the 1620 were used as… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of movie cameras — See list of movie cameras for a comprehensive listing of movie cameras. The following tables make a comparison of movie cameras that are in common professional usage in recent years. This list is strictly limited to film based cameras, in order… …   Wikipedia

  • Golden ratio — For the Ace of Base album, see The Golden Ratio (album). Not to be confused with Golden number. The golden section is a line segment divided according to the golden ratio: The total length a + b is to the length of the longer segment a as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Numeric precision in Microsoft Excel — As with other spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel works only to limited accuracy because it retains only a certain number of figures to describe numbers (it has limited precision). Excel nominally works with 8 byte numbers by default, a modified 1985… …   Wikipedia

  • C Sharp syntax — The correct title of this article is C# syntax. The substitution or omission of the # sign is because of technical restrictions. Main article: C Sharp (programming language) This article describes the syntax of the C# programming language. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer numbering formats — The term computer numbering formats refers to the schemes implemented in digital computer and calculator hardware and software to represent numbers. A common mistake made by non specialist computer users is a certain misplaced faith in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sprachelemente von C-Sharp — Dieser Artikel bietet eine Übersicht einiger Sprachelemente von C#. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bedingte Ausführung (if, else, switch) 2 Schleifen (for, do, while, foreach) 3 Die Sprunganweisungen break, c …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Comparison of Java and C Sharp — This is a comparison of the C# programming language with the Java programming language. As the two are both garbage collected runtime compiled languages with syntax derived from C and C++, there are many similarities between Java and C#. However …   Wikipedia

  • Syntax von C-Sharp — Dieser Artikel bietet eine Übersicht einiger Sprachelemente von C#. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bedingte Ausführung (if, else, switch) 2 Schleifen (for, do, while, foreach) 3 Die Sprungbefehle break, continue, goto und return 4 Die using Anweisung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hayes command set — The Hayes command set is a specific command language originally developed for the Hayes Smartmodem 300 baud modem in 1981. The command set consists of a series of short text strings which combine together to produce complete commands for… …   Wikipedia

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