- daylight illumination
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Daylight harvesting — is the term used in sustainable architecture and the building controls and active daylighting industries for a control system that reduces the use of artificial lighting with electric lamps in building interiors when natural daylight is available … Wikipedia
Daylight (disambiguation) — Daylight is the combination of all direct and indirect sunlight outdoors during the daytime, which includes: Sunlight, the total spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun Diffuse sky radiation, solar radiation reaching the… … Wikipedia
Daylight — For other uses, see Daylight (disambiguation). World map showing the areas of the Earth receiving daylight around 13:00 UTC, April 2nd. Daylight or the light of day is the combination of all direct and indirect sunlight outdoors during the… … Wikipedia
Daylight factor — A daylight factor is the ratio of internal light level to external light level and is defined as follows: DF = (Ei / Eo) x 100% where, Ei = illumiance due to daylight at a point on the indoors working plane, Eo = simultaneous outdoor illuminance… … Wikipedia
daylight — 1. noun a) The light from the Sun, as opposed to that from any other source. We should get home while its still daylight. b) A light source that simulates daylight. We had only two hours to work before daylight. Syn: daytime … Wiktionary
Illumination (image) — The illumination of the subject of a drawing or painting is a key element in creating an artistic piece, and the interplay of light and shadow is a valuable method in the artist s toolbox. The placement of the light sources can make a… … Wikipedia
daylight vision — noun normal vision in daylight; vision with sufficient illumination that the cones are active and hue is perceived • Syn: ↑photopic vision • Hypernyms: ↑sight, ↑vision, ↑visual sense, ↑visual modality • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
daylight savings — noun the practice in some places of adjusting clocks forward in the Spring and back in the Fall, usually by one hour, so that the adjustment causes the time to coincide with the greatest period of illumination by the sun over the course of the… … Wiktionary
daylight factor — noun : the ratio of the illumination from windows at any point indoors to that out in the open, the test surface being horizontal in each case called also window efficiency ratio … Useful english dictionary
Over-illumination — This cosmetics store has lighting levels over twice recommended levels[1] Over illumination is the presence of lighting intensity (illuminance) beyond that required for a specified activity. Over illumination was commonly ignored between 1950 and … Wikipedia
International Commission on Illumination — The CIE 1931 color space chromaticity diagram with wavelengths in nanometres. The colors depicted depend on the color space of the device on which the image is viewed. The International Commission on Illumination (usually abbreviated CIE for its… … Wikipedia