- data exchange
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Data exchange — is the process of taking data structured under a source schema and actually transforming it into data structured under a target schema, so that the target data is an accurate representation of the source data[citation needed]. Data exchange is… … Wikipedia
Data exchange — Occurs when two systems pass each other information. For example one system may transmit electronically a transaction to another. The receiving system would acknowledge the transaction by replying to the sending system that it had received a… … International financial encyclopaedia
Data exchange language — Data exchange languages are formal languages specifically designed to support the communication of data and metadata. There are two kinds of data exchange languages: Markup languages work with embedded data structuring mark up, while data model… … Wikipedia
Data Exchange Highway — Keitimosi žvejybos duomenimis sistema statusas Aprobuotas sritis žuvininkystė ir žvejyba apibrėžtis Europos Sąjungos automatizuota informacinė sistema, į kurią Europos Sąjungos valstybės narės siunčia duomenis apie sugautą žuvų kiekį ir jais… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
data exchange — (DX) Data that is transmitted or recorded in a format … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
CAD data exchange — involves a number of software technologies and methods to translate data from one Computer aided design system to another . This PLM technology is required to facilitate collaborative work (CPD) between OEMs and their suppliers.The main topic is… … Wikipedia
Dynamic Data Exchange — (DDE) is a technology for interprocess communication under Microsoft Windows or OS/2. Contents 1 Overview 1.1 NetDDE 2 See also 3 References … Wikipedia
Dynamic Data Exchange — (DDE) механизм взаимодействия приложений в операционных системах Microsoft Windows и OS/2. Хотя этот механизм до сих пор поддерживается в последних версиях Windows, в основном он заменён на более мощные механизмы OLE, COM и Microsoft OLE… … Википедия
Dynamic Data Exchange — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dynamic Data Exchange(DDE) es una tecnología de comunicación entre varias aplicaciones bajo Microsoft Windows y en OS/2. Aunque es apto para las últimas versiones de Windows, ha sido reemplazado por su mucho más… … Wikipedia Español
Dynamic data exchange — Pour les articles homonymes, voir DDE. Définition Dynamic Data Exchange ou DDE (Échange dynamique de données) est un protocole client serveur définit par Microsoft depuis Windows 2 et OS/2 pour l échange de données entre applications. Le… … Wikipédia en Français
Education Data Exchange Network — The Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN) is a set of K 12 statistical reports gathered from state agencies by the US Department of Education.Formerly known as Performance Based Data Management Initiative (PBDMI), EDEN attempts to gather… … Wikipedia