damped mode

damped mode
затухающая волна; мн. ч. затухающие колебания

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "damped mode" в других словарях:

  • Dynamic mode decomposition — Physical systems, such as fluid flow or mechanical vibrations, behave in characteristic patterns, known as modes. In a recirculating flow, for example, one may think of a hierarchy of vortices, a big main vortex driving smaller secondary ones and …   Wikipedia

  • Vibration — For the soul music group, see The Vibrations. For the machining context, see Machining vibrations. For the albums, see Vibrations (Roy Ayers album) and Vibrations (The Three Sounds album). Classical mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Flight dynamics — is the science of air and space vehicle orientation and control in three dimensions. The three critical flight dynamics parameters are the angles of rotation in three dimensions about the vehicle s center of mass, known as pitch , roll and yaw… …   Wikipedia

  • Gyro monorail — The gyro monorail, gyroscopic monorail, gyro stabilized monorail, or gyrocar all denote a single rail land vehicle, road or rail, which uses the gyroscopic action of a spinning wheel, which is forced to precess, to overcome the inherent inverted… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft dynamic modes — Source: Flight dynamicsThe dynamic stability of a vehicle denotes the complete study of the motion occurring after the vehicle has been disturbed. If the aircraft returns to equilibrium without overshoot, the motion is a simple subsidence. If the …   Wikipedia

  • mechanics — /meuh kan iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on bodies and with motion, comprised of kinetics, statics, and kinematics. 2. (used with a sing. v.) the theoretical and practical application …   Universalium

  • Neutron-star oscillation — Asteroseismology studies the internal structure of our Sun and other stars using oscillations. These can be studied by interpreting the temporal frequency spectrum acquired through observations[1]. In the same way, the more extreme neutron stars… …   Wikipedia

  • Harmonic oscillator — This article is about the harmonic oscillator in classical mechanics. For its uses in quantum mechanics, see quantum harmonic oscillator. Classical mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Loudspeaker — For other uses, see Loudspeaker (disambiguation). An inexpensive, low fidelity 3½ inch speaker, typically found in small radios …   Wikipedia

  • Continuous wave — Passband modulation v · d · e Analog modulation AM · …   Wikipedia

  • Handling qualities — Handling qualities, sometimes also referred to as flying qualities is one of the two principle regimes in the science of flight test (the other being performance). Handling qualities involves the study and evaluation of the stability and control… …   Wikipedia

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