
1) молочное хозяйство; молочная ферма
2) молочный завод; маслодельный завод
3) молочный

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "dairy" в других словарях:

  • Dairy — Dai ry (d[=a] r[y^]), n.; pl. {Dairies} ( r[i^]z). [OE. deierie, from deie, daie, maid; of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. deigja maid, dairymaid, Sw. deja, orig., a baking maid, fr. Icel. deig. [root]66. See {Dough}.] 1. The place, room, or house where …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dairy — dairy; dairy·ing; dairy·man; dairy·wo·man; non·dairy; …   English syllables

  • dairy — (n.) late 13c., building for making butter and cheese; dairy farm, formed with Anglo Fr. erie affixed to M.E. daie (in daie maid dairymaid ), from O.E. dæge kneader of bread, housekeeper, female servant (see DEY (Cf. dey) (1)). The native word… …   Etymology dictionary

  • dairy — [n] producer of milk products buttery, cow barn, creamery, dairy farm, factory, farm, pasteurizing plant; concepts 449,517 …   New thesaurus

  • dairy — [der′ē] n. pl. dairies [ME daierie < daie, dairymaid < OE dæge, (female) bread maker < dag, DOUGH + erie, ERY] 1. a building or room where milk and cream are kept and butter and cheese are made 2. DAIRY FARM 3 …   English World dictionary

  • dairy — ► NOUN (pl. dairies) ▪ a building for the processing and distribution of milk and milk products. ► ADJECTIVE 1) made from milk. 2) involved in milk production. DERIVATIVES dairying noun. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • Dairy — For other uses, see Dairy (disambiguation). A dairy farm near Oxford, New York in the United States. A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting of animal milk mostly from cows or goats, but also from buffalo, sheep, horses or …   Wikipedia

  • dairy — 1. молочная dairy food молочная пища dairy paste молочная паста dairy breed молочная порода dairy spread молочная паста dairy foods молочные продукты 2. молочный …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • dairy — [[t]de͟əri[/t]] dairies 1) N COUNT A dairy is a shop or company that sells milk and food made from milk, such as butter, cream, and cheese. 2) N COUNT On a farm, the dairy is the building where milk is kept or where cream, butter, and cheese are… …   English dictionary

  • dairy — /ˈdɛəri / (say dairree) noun (plural dairies) 1. a place, as a room or building, where milk and cream are kept and made into butter and cheese. 2. a shed equipped with milking machinery where cows, goats, etc., are milked; bails; milking shed. 3 …  

  • dairy — /dair ee/, n., pl. dairies, adj. n. 1. an establishment, as a room, building, or buildings, where milk and cream are kept and butter and cheese are made. 2. a shop or company that sells milk, butter, etc. 3. the business of a dairy farm,… …   Universalium

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