D-log E curve

D-log E curve
кфт. характеристическая кривая

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "D-log E curve" в других словарях:

  • D log E curve — График зависимости оптических плотностей от логарифмов экспозиции; характеристическая кривая …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Log ASCII Standard — (LAS) is a standard File format used commonly in the Oil and Gas Industry to store Log Curve Information. Well logging is used to create a more accurate understanding of the Stratigraphy of an area.A single LAS file can only contain data about… …   Wikipedia

  • log phase — lȯg , läg n the period of growth of a population of cells (as of a microorganism) in a culture medium during which numbers increase exponentially and which is represented by a part of the growth curve that is a straight line segment if the… …   Medical dictionary

  • log curve — logaritminė kreivė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Kreivė, kurios ašyse atidėti dydžių verčių logaritmai. atitikmenys: angl. log curve; logarithmic curve vok. logarithmische Kurve, f rus. логарифмическая кривая, f… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • Log-linear least-squares method — A statistical technique for fitting a curve to a set of data points. One of the variables is transformed by taking its logarithm, and then a straight line is fitted to the transformed set of data points. The New York Times Financial Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • log-linear least-squares method — A statistical technique for fitting a curve to a set of data points. One of the variables is transformed by taking its logarithm , and then a straight line is fitted to the transformed set of data points. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • Phillips curve — The Phillips curve is a historical inverse relation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation in an economy. Stated simply, the lower the unemployment in an economy, the higher the rate of increase in wages paid to labor in that… …   Wikipedia

  • Species-area curve — The species area relationship for a contiguous habitat In ecology, a species area curve is a relationship between the area of a habitat, or of part of a habitat, and the number of species found within that area. Larger areas tend to contain… …   Wikipedia

  • Pedal curve — Geometric construction of the pedal of C with respect to P In the differential geometry of curves, a pedal curve is a curve derived by construction from a given curve (as is, for example, the involute). Let C be a given curve and P a fixed point… …   Wikipedia

  • Blancmange curve — In mathematics, the blancmange curve is a fractal curve constructible by midpoint subdivision. It is also known as the Takagi curve, after Teiji Takagi who described it in 1903, or as the Takagi–Landsberg curve, a generalization of the curve. The …   Wikipedia

  • Area under the curve — Fläche unter der Kurve Die Fläche unter einer Kurve ist eine elementare Anwendung der Integralrechnung. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Naturwissenschaf …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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