- cyclopean masonry
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Cyclopean masonry — is a type of stonework found in Mycenaean architecture, built with huge limestone boulders, roughly fitted together with minimal clearance between adjacent stones and no use of mortar. The boulders typically are unworked, but sometimes are worked … Wikipedia
cyclopean masonry — wall constructed without mortar, using enormous blocks of stone. This technique was employed in fortifications where use of large stones reduced the number of joints and thus reduced the walls potential weakness. Such walls are found on… … Universalium
cyclopean masonry — noun a primitive style of masonry characterized by use of massive stones of irregular shape and size • Hypernyms: ↑stonework … Useful english dictionary
cyclopean — (also cyclopian) ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or resembling a Cyclops. 2) (of ancient masonry) made with massive irregular blocks … English terms dictionary
masonry — /may seuhn ree/, n., pl. masonries. 1. the craft or occupation of a mason. 2. work constructed by a mason, esp. stonework: the crumbling masonry of ancient walls. 3. (cap.) Freemasonry. [1325 75; ME masonerie < MF maçonnerie. See MASON, ERY] * *… … Universalium
Cyclopean — adjective a) Suggestive of a Cyclops. b) Of a style of ancient masonry where walls are fitted together of huge irregular stones; ancient and roughly composed … Wiktionary
cyclopean — adjective /ˈsaɪkləʊpɪiən/ a) Suggestive of a Cyclops. b) Of a style of masonry where walls are fitted together of huge irregular stones … Wiktionary
Cyclopean architecture — noun Ancient masonry where walls are fitted together of huge irregular stones; architecture that is ancient and roughly composed … Wiktionary
cyclopean — [ˌsʌɪklə pi:ən, sʌɪ kləʊpɪən] (also cyclopian) adjective 1》 of or resembling a Cyclops, especially in size. 2》 denoting a type of ancient masonry made with massive irregular blocks … English new terms dictionary
cyclopean — /saɪkləˈpiən/ (say suykluh peeuhn), /saɪˈklɒpiən/ (say suy klopeeuhn) adjective 1. gigantic; vast. 2. Architecture of, like or denoting an early style of masonry employing massive stones, more or less irregular in shape. {from Cyclops} …
cyclopean — adj. (also Cyclopian) 1 (of ancient masonry) made with massive irregular blocks. 2 of or resembling a Cyclops … Useful english dictionary