- cycle time
1) оперативное время2) время цикла; продолжительность цикла
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
cycle time — UK US noun [C or U] PRODUCTION ► the time between the beginning and end of the process of making a product: »We also are working on improving cycle time, quality, efficiency and productivity … Financial and business terms
cycle time — ciklo trukmė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. cycle time; cycling time; duration of cycle vok. Zyklusdauer, f; Zykluslänge, f rus. продолжительность цикла, f pranc. durée du cycle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
cycle time — noun The total elapsed time to complete an operation or set of operations. Order cycle time can now be minutes from when the customer starts entering an order to when it is visible to the warehouse … Wiktionary
Cycle time variation — is a proven metric and philosophy for continuous improvement with the aim of driving down the deviations in the time it takes to produce successive units on a production line.[1] It supports organizations application of lean manufacturing or lean … Wikipedia
cycle time — The length of time required from the placing of an order by a customer to the delivery of the product or service. In companies using just in time techniques, this should be equivalent to the time taken from start to finish of the manufacturing… … Accounting dictionary
cycle time — The length of time required from the placing of an order by a customer to the delivery of the product or service. In companies using just in time techniques, this should be equivalent to the time taken from start to finish of the manufacturing… … Big dictionary of business and management
cycle time — noun : the time required to complete a cycle used especially in connection with time and motion studies … Useful english dictionary
cycle time — period of time which passes between repeated actions, period of time which passes between the execution of one command to the execution of another (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Interleaved polling with adaptive cycle time — (IPACT) is an algorithm designed by Glen Kramer and others at the University of California, Davis. IPACT is a dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for use in Ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs).IPACT uses the Gate and Report messages… … Wikipedia
Cash-to-cash-cycle-time — Unter Kapitalbindungsdauer versteht man die Dauer, in der das für eine Investition benötigte (Finanz )kapital gebunden ist, bis die mit Hilfe der Investition erwirtschafteten Gewinne in Form von Einnahmen bzw. Einzahlungsströmen in die Kasse des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cycle — cy‧cle [ˈsaɪkl] noun [countable] a series of events that happen in an order that regularly repeats itself: • Approved Training Practices are monitored by the Association on a five year cycle. ˈbilling ˌcycle ACCOUNTING the usual time that is… … Financial and business terms