
1) горн. выемка грунта; производство вруба, зарубка, подрубка
2) мн. ч. горн. зарубной штыб; кусочки породы
3) мн. ч. буровой шлам
4) резание; резка; распиливание; перерезание; разрезание
5) мн. ч. стружка; обрезь, обрезки; опилки
6) рубка; тесание
7) обработка резанием
8) обрезок (пиломатериал)
9) гравирование
10) сил. гранение
11) эл. выключение, отключение, вырубание; запирание, отсечка; срезание
12) резка (газовая или дуговая)
13) полигр. высечка
14) изготовление клише гравированием
15) (книжная или газетная) вырезка
16) пищ. разрубка; разделка; куттерование
17) прямой переход (к следующему кадру); резкий (быстрый) монтажный переход; прямое соединение (кадров)
18) монтаж (фильма)
19) механическая запись звука (напр. на грампластинку)
20) отбрасывание членов ряда
21) швейн. раскрой
22) швейн. деталь кроя
23) мн. ч. швейн. межлекальные потери
24) с.-х. срезание; косьба, кошение; покос
25) с.-х. укос
cutting with postheating — резка с последующим или сопутствующим подогревом;
cutting with preheating — резка с предварительным подогревом
cutting of fuel oils — разбавление мазутов
accretion cutting
air-arc cutting
approach cutting
arc cutting
arc-oxygene cutting
automatic oxygen cutting
bench cutting
bevel cutting
block cutting
bottom cutting
brilliant cutting
cable cutting
carbon-arc cutting
cleaning cutting
curved cutting
deep cutting
deskill cutting
die cutting
drilling cuttings
drill cuttings
dry cutting
edge cutting
electric arc-gas jet cutting
electrochemical hole cutting
electrochemical wire cutting
electroerosion cutting
electron-beam cutting
fabric cutting
flame cutting
flux injection cutting
gas cutting
gas-shielded arc cutting
gas-shielded tungsten-arc cutting
gear cutting
grass cutting
guided hand cutting
hand cutting
heavy cutting
high-pressure water-assisted cutting
hydraulic cutting
hydrogene cutting
internally fed wet cutting
lance cutting
laser cutting
length cutting
light cutting
machine cutting
measure cutting
metal powder cutting
metal-arc cutting
miter cutting
mud gas cutting
negative cutting
open cutting
oxygene-arc cutting
oxy-arc cutting
oxyacetylene cutting
oxygene lance cutting
part cutting
plasma arc cutting
plasma flame cutting
plunge cutting
press cutting
punch cutting
railway cutting
rotary cutting
screw cutting
shear cuttings
single-point cutting
skip cutting
sound cutting
spark cutting
steel cuttings
thread cutting
tooth cutting
top cutting
torch cutting
tungsten-arc cutting
ultrasonic cutting
waterjet-assisted mechanical cutting
wet cutting

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cutting" в других словарях:

  • Cutting It — DVD cover for series 4 Format Drama Created by Debbie Horsfield Starrin …   Wikipedia

  • Cutting — ist der Name mehrerer Personen: Bronson M. Cutting (1888–1935), US amerikanischer Politiker Francis Cutting (1550–1595/6), englischer Komponist und Lautenist Jack Cutting (1908–1988), US amerikanischer Trickfilmregisseur Orte in den Vereinigten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cutting — Cut ting, a. 1. Adapted to cut; as, a cutting tool. [1913 Webster] 2. Chilling; penetrating; sharp; as, a cutting wind. [1913 Webster] 3. Severe; sarcastic; biting; as, a cutting reply; a cutting remark. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cutting — The cutting edge, based on the notion of a tool doing effective work, is a modern idiom meaning ‘the pioneering aspect of an enterprise’. It is derived from a figurative meaning that dates from the 1850s, and to be at the cutting edge is to… …   Modern English usage

  • Cutting in — is a process, in dancing, by which a person interrupts two dance partners and claims the partner of one.[1] As traditionally portrayed in Hollywood films, men are more likely to cut in than women. References ^ WALES AT AMERICAN DANCE.; Cut In… …   Wikipedia

  • cutting — ► NOUN 1) a piece cut off from something, in particular an article cut from a newspaper or a piece cut from a plant for propagation. 2) an open passage excavated through higher ground for a railway, road, or canal. ► ADJECTIVE 1) capable of… …   English terms dictionary

  • cutting — [kut′iŋ] n. 1. the act of one that cuts 2. a piece cut off 3. Brit. a clipping, as from a newspaper 4. Brit. a passage for trains, cars, etc. cut through a hill or high ground; cut 5. Hort. a slip or shoot cut away from a plant for rooting or… …   English World dictionary

  • Cutting — Cut ting (k[u^]t t[i^]ng), n. 1. The act or process of making an incision, or of severing, felling, shaping, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. Something cut, cut off, or cut out, as a twig or scion cut off from a stock for the purpose of grafting or of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cutting — index acute, bitter (acrid tasting), bitter (penetrating), caustic, division (act of dividing), incisive, mordacious …   Law dictionary

  • cutting — /ˈkattinɡ, ingl. ˈkʌtɪŋ/ s. m. inv. scarificazione CFR. tatuaggio, branding, piercing …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • cutting — *incisive, trenchant, clear cut, biting, crisp Analogous words: *sharp, keen, acute: piercing, penetrating, probing (see ENTER) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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