- cutter knife
1) нож саморезки2) коросниматель (окорочных станков)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
box cutter knife — n. metal or plastic flat knife with retractable blades, Stanley knife … English contemporary dictionary
Cutter — may refer to: Contents 1 Tools 2 Companies 3 Sport 4 … Wikipedia
knife — [n] cutting tool bayonet, blade, bolo, cutlass, cutter, cutting edge, dagger, edge, lance, lancet, machete, point, ripper, sabre, scalpel, scimitar, scythe, shank, shiv, sickle, skewer, skiver, steel, stiletto, switchblade, sword, tickler;… … New thesaurus
Cutter (Messer) — Unter einem Teppichmesser, Stanley Messer, Japanmesser oder Cutter( messer) (englisch to cut schneiden, trennen) versteht man ein sehr scharfes Messer, das mit einer Klinge versehen ist, die man nach Gebrauch einziehen und nach Abnützung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cutter bar — noun Etymology: cutter (I) 1. : a bar on a chucking lathe that fits a tool holder at one end and supports a cutting tool at the other 2. : a bar with pointed guards along which the knife runs in a mowing machine or along which a sickle blade runs … Useful english dictionary
knife — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. blade, edge, point, steel, shiv (sl.), toothpick (sl.); carving knife; snickersnee, dagger, poniard, dirk, bodkin, stiletto; scalpel, lancet. See arms, sharpness. v. t. stab, cut, slice, slash; wound; … English dictionary for students
knife — Synonyms and related words: ax, barong, bayonet, blade, bolo, bowie, bowie knife, cold steel, cut, cutlery, cutter, dagger, dining utensils, dirk, edge tool, edge tools, flat silver, flatware, forks, gravity knife, hollow ware, impale, knives,… … Moby Thesaurus
Knife making — For more information, see the Knife article. Knife Making (also known as knifesmithing) is the process of manufacturing a cutting instrument by any one or a combination of processes: stock removal, forged to shape, welded lamination or investment … Wikipedia
knife — 1. noun a sharp knife Syn: cutting tool, blade, cutter 2. verb the victims had been knifed Syn: stab, hack, gash, run through, slash, lacerate, cut, pierce, jab, stick, spike … Thesaurus of popular words
cutter bar — 1. Also called sickle bar. (in a mower, binder, or combine) a bar with triangular guards along which a knife or blade runs. 2. a bar holding the cutting tool in a boring machine or lathe. [1865 70] * * * … Universalium
cutter — Synonyms and related words: abridger, abstracter, analyzer, ax, baby tooth, bicuspid, blade, breaker, bucktooth, canine, centrifuge, cold steel, crown, cuspid, cutlery, dagger, deciduous tooth, dent, denticle, denticulation, dentil, dentition,… … Moby Thesaurus