cutset method

cutset method
метод сечений (в анализе электрических цепей)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cutset method" в других словарях:

  • Decomposition method (constraint satisfaction) — In constraint satisfaction, a decomposition method translates a constraint satisfaction problem into another constraint satisfaction problem that is binary and acyclic. Decomposition methods work by grouping variables into sets, and solving a… …   Wikipedia

  • Local search (constraint satisfaction) — In constraint satisfaction, local search is an incomplete method for finding a solution to a problem. It is based on iteratively improving an assignment of the variables until all constraints are satisfied. In particular, local search algorithms… …   Wikipedia

  • Feedback vertex set — In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a feedback vertex set of a graph is a set of vertices whose removal leaves a graph without cycles. In other words, each feedback vertex set contains at least one vertex of any cycle in the graph.… …   Wikipedia

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