- curved object
объект с криволинейной поверхностью
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
curved — [[t]kɜ͟ː(r)vd[/t]] ADJ GRADED A curved object has the shape of a curve or has a smoothly bending surface. ...a small, curved staircase. ...the curved lines of the chairs … English dictionary
curved — Pi o, kiwi, pāuma, kākiwi, kihikihi. Also: kikiwi, hualala, a api, kī ōnaha, mehani, naha, ōnaha, pauke e, palakāhela, popoli. ♦ Curved beak, ihu kikiwi. ♦ Curved object, kiwi … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Curved space — often refers to a spatial geometry which is not “flat” where a flat space is described by Euclidean geometry. Curved spaces can generally be described by Riemannian geometry though some simple cases can be described in other ways. Curved spaces… … Wikipedia
Curved mirror — Reflections in a spherical convex mirror. The photographer is seen reflected at top right A curved mirror is a mirror with a curved reflective surface, which may be either convex (bulging outward) or concave (bulging inward). Most curved mirrors… … Wikipedia
ceremonial object — ▪ religion Introduction any object used in a ritual or a religious ceremony. Throughout the history of religions and cultures, objects used in cults, rituals, and sacred ceremonies have almost always been of both utilitarian and symbolic… … Universalium
Foreign object damage — FOD to the compressor blades of a Honeywell LTS101 turboshaft engine on a Bell 222, caused by a small bolt that passed through the protective inlet screen … Wikipedia
round — /raʊnd / (say rownd) adjective 1. circular, as a disc. 2. ring shaped, as a hoop. 3. curved like part of a circle, as an outline. 4. having a circular cross section, as a cylinder. 5. spherical or globular, as a ball. 6. rounded more or less like …
corona — /keuh roh neuh/, n., pl. coronas, coronae / nee/. 1. a white or colored circle or set of concentric circles of light seen around a luminous body, esp. around the sun or moon. 2. Meteorol. such a circle or set of circles having a small radius and… … Universalium
gooseneck — goosenecked, adj. /goohs nek /, n. 1. a curved object resembling the neck of a goose, often of flexible construction, as in the shaft of a gooseneck lamp. 2. Naut. a curved piece at the foot of a boom, attached to a mast by a vertical pivot and… … Universalium
cornice — 1560s, from M.Fr. corniche (16c.) or directly from It. cornice ornamental molding along a wall, perhaps from L. coronis curved line, flourish in writing, from Gk. koronis curved object (see CROWN (Cf. crown)). Perhaps influenced by (or even from) … Etymology dictionary
corona — co•ro•na [[t]kəˈroʊ nə[/t]] n. pl. nas, nae ( nē). 1) a) astron. a white or colored circle or set of concentric circles of light seen around a luminous body, esp. around the sun or moon b) mer a similar colored circle or set of circles visible in … From formal English to slang