- curved mold
криволинейный кристаллизатор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
curved mold — Смотри радиальный кристаллизатор … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
mold|board — «MOHLD BRD, BOHRD», noun. 1. a curved metal plate in a plow, that turns over the earth from the furrow. 2. one of the boards forming the sides of a concrete mold. ╂[alteration of Middle English moldebred < mold3 + bred board, tablet] … Useful english dictionary
curved (bow-type) mold — Смотри радиальный кристаллизатор … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Black bread mold — Taxobox image caption = Mold can cover a loaf of bread nearly entirely in less than three days name = Black bread mold regnum = Fungi| phylum = Zygomycota| classis = Zygomycetes| ordo = Mucorales| familia = Mucoraceae genus = Rhizopus species =… … Wikipedia
Bead mold — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium
Sail — A sail is any type of surface intended to generate thrust by being placed in a wind mdash;in essence a vertically oriented wing. Sails are used in sailing.History of sailsThe ships built at around 10,000 BC were just crude log rafts or dug out… … Wikipedia
McLouth Steel — Corporation Industry Steel Fate Bankruptcy Successor Detroit Steel Company Founded 1934 Defunct 1996 Headquarters Detroit, MI 1934 1981 … Wikipedia
Tailor's ham — For the food product, see Pork roll. A tailor s ham A tailor s ham or dressmaker s ham is a tightly stuffed pillow used as a curved mold when pressing curved areas of clothing, such as darts, sleeves, cuffs, collars, or waistlines. Pressing … Wikipedia
радиальный кристаллизатор — Кристаллизатор, две противоположные стенки к рого выгнуты по радиусу для придания заготовке движения по дуге при непрерывной разливке стали. [http://metaltrade.ru/abc/a.htm] Тематики металлургия в целом EN bow type moldcurved mold … Справочник технического переводчика
moldboard — mold•board [[t]ˈmoʊldˌbɔrd, ˌboʊrd[/t]] n. 1) the curved metal plate in a plow that turns over the earth from the furrow 2) a large blade mounted on the front of a bulldozer to push loose earth 3) bui a board forming one side or surface of a mold … From formal English to slang