- absolute stability
абсолютная устойчивость
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
absolute stability — absoliutusis stabilumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. absolute stability vok. absolute Stabilität, f rus. абсолютная устойчивость, f pranc. stabilité absolue, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
absolute stability — As it relates to meteorology, an atmospheric condition in which the observed lapse rate is less than the saturated adiabatic lapse rate. A mass of air once pushed up will tend to come back to its original level and not rise. This is because it… … Aviation dictionary
absolute Stabilität — absoliutusis stabilumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. absolute stability vok. absolute Stabilität, f rus. абсолютная устойчивость, f pranc. stabilité absolue, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Numerical stability — In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, numerical stability is a desirable property of numerical algorithms. The precise definition of stability depends on the context, but it is related to the accuracy of the algorithm. A related… … Wikipedia
Stiff equation — In mathematics, a stiff equation is a differential equation for which certain numerical methods for solving the equation are numerically unstable, unless the step size is taken to be extremely small. It has proven difficult to formulate a precise … Wikipedia
Nonlinear control — is the area of control engineering specifically involved with systems that are nonlinear, time variant, or both. Many well established analysis and design techniques exist for LTI systems (e.g., root locus, Bode plot, Nyquist criterion, state… … Wikipedia
Amplifier — For other uses, see Amplifier (disambiguation). Generally, an amplifier or simply amp, is a device for increasing the power of a signal. In popular use, the term usually describes an electronic amplifier, in which the input signal is usually a… … Wikipedia
Bipolar transistor biasing — Bipolar transistor amplifiers must be properly biased to operate correctly. In circuits made with individual devices (discrete circuits), biasing networks consisting of resistors are commonly employed. Much more elaborate biasing arrangements are … Wikipedia
Vasile M. Popov — Vasile Mihai Popov (born 1928) is a leading systems theorist and control engineering specialist. He is well known for having developed a method to analyze stability of nonlinear dynamical systems, now known as Popov criterion. Biography He was… … Wikipedia
Phase margin — In electronic amplifiers, phase margin is the difference, measured in degrees, between the phase of the amplifier s output signal and 360°. In feedback amplifiers, the phase margin is measured at the frequency at which the open loop voltage gain… … Wikipedia
Metaplane — is the configuration of the air vehicle that can be classified as an aerodyne. It uses static lift mostly to enhance stability. The lifting wing is characterized by big dimensions, airship’s envelope and low wing loading that gives the vehicle… … Wikipedia