- curtain wall
1) ненесущая стена2) перегородка3) экран (в пламенном пространстве печи)4) навесная стена заполнения каркаса5) гидр. противофильтрационная диафрагма6) забральная стенка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
curtain wall — n. an independently supported outer wall that carries only its own weight and is freely removable … English World dictionary
Curtain wall — For defensive curtain walls in medieval buildings, see Curtain wall (fortification). Glass curtain wall of the Bauhaus Dessau A curtain wall is an outer covering of a building in which the outer walls are non structural, but merely keep out the… … Wikipedia
curtain wall — In castles, the surrounding fortified walls. In modern architecture, an outer non load bearing wall, often simply a field of large panes of glass held in place with a lattice of other material, sometimes merely thin metal bands. The modern… … Glossary of Art Terms
Curtain Wall — Kirchenfassade Mittelalterliche Hausfassade … Deutsch Wikipedia
Curtain wall (fortification) — For the 2011 song by T.I. featuring Christina Aguilera, see Castle Walls. The curtain wall at Krak des Chevaliers, Syria A curtain wall is a defensive wall between two bastions of a castle or fortress … Wikipedia
curtain wall — cur·tain wall loc.s.f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS arch. nell architettura moderna, parete esterna parzialmente o totalmente vetrata, costituita da pannelli prefabbricati tenuti insieme e sostenuti da sottili intelaiature metalliche {{line}}… … Dizionario italiano
curtain wall — noun 1. : curtain 5 2. : a nonbearing wall between columns or piers that is not supported by the girders or beams of a skeleton frame called also enclosure wall … Useful english dictionary
curtain wall — (in a framed building) an exterior wall having no structural function. [1850 55] * * * Nonbearing wall of glass, metal, or masonry attached to a building s exterior structural frame. After World War II, low energy costs gave impetus to the… … Universalium
curtain wall — noun 1》 a fortified wall around a medieval castle, typically one linking towers together. 2》 a wall which encloses the space within a building but does not support the roof … English new terms dictionary
curtain wall — cur′tain wall n. bui (in a framed building) an exterior wall having no structural function • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
curtain wall — noun Date: 1853 a nonbearing exterior wall between columns or piers … New Collegiate Dictionary