current surge

current surge
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "current surge" в других словарях:

  • surge current — smūginė srovė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Trumpalaikis staigus srovės stiprio padidėjimas. atitikmenys: angl. shock current; surge current vok. Stoßstrom, m rus. ударный ток, m pranc. courant de choc, m …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • surge — [sʉrj] n. [LME sourge, fountain, stream, prob. < OFr sourgeon < stem of sourdre, to rise < L surgere, to rise, spring up < * subsregere < subs , var. of sub (see SUB ) + regere, to direct (see RIGHT)] 1. a) a large mass of or as of …   English World dictionary

  • Surge protector — A surge protector is an appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. A surge protector attempts to regulate the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or by shorting to ground voltages above a safe… …   Wikipedia

  • Surge Radio — Infobox Radio Station name = Surge Radio area = Lancaster, California branding = Surge Radio slogan = Respect The Music! airdate = December 2000 format = New Indie Music owner = XRQK website = [… …   Wikipedia

  • Current sea level rise — This article is about the current and future rise in sea level associated with global warming. For sea level changes in Earth s history, see Sea level#Changes through geologic time. Sea level measurements from 23 long tide gauge records in… …   Wikipedia

  • surge — /serrj/, n., v., surged, surging. n. 1. a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep: the onward surge of an angry mob. 2. a strong, swelling, wavelike volume or body of something: a billowing surge of smoke. 3. the rolling swell of the… …   Universalium

  • surge — /sɜdʒ / (say serj) noun 1. a strong forward or upward movement, rush, or sweep, like that of swelling or rolling waves: the onward surge of an angry mob. 2. a strong, wavelike volume or body of something: a surge of smoke. 3. the rolling swell of …  

  • surge — [[t]sɜrdʒ[/t]] n. v. surged, surg•ing 1) a strong, wavelike forward movement, rush, or sweep: the surge of the crowd[/ex] 2) a sudden, strong rush or burst: a surge of energy[/ex] 3) a strong, swelling, wavelike volume or body of something 4) oce …   From formal English to slang

  • surge protector — noun electrical device inserted in a power line to protect equipment from sudden fluctuations in current • Syn: ↑surge suppressor, ↑spike suppressor, ↑spike arrester, ↑lightning arrester • Hypernyms: ↑suppressor, ↑suppresser * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • surge — n. & v. n. 1 a sudden or impetuous onset (a surge of anger). 2 the swell of the waves at sea. 3 a heavy forward or upward motion. 4 a rapid increase in price, activity, etc. over a short period. 5 a sudden marked increase in voltage of an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • current — Synonyms and related words: AC, Brownian movement, DC, Zeitgeist, a la mode, absorption current, accepted, accessible, accidental, accompanying, accustomed, active current, actual, ado, advance, advised, affirmed, affluence, afflux, affluxion,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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