- cue tone
тональная [звуковая\] метка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Cue tone — A cue tone is a message consisting of audio tones, used to prompt an action. In broadcast networks, a DTMF cue tone or subaudible tone is often used to prompt insertion of a local TV commercial or radio advertisement by the broadcast automation… … Wikipedia
cue track — WikiB A recorded audio track containing information about upcoming events that the operating engineer should be aware of. It was first used by Edison on his first talking pictures using records for the sound playback. He used the information to… … Audio and video glossary
tone — Synonyms and related words: French pitch, Munsell chroma, Zeitgeist, accent, accidental, achromatism, action, actions, activity, acts, adaptability, address, affect, affectation, air, algorithm, anagnorisis, angle, apply paint, approach,… … Moby Thesaurus
cue — Synonyms and related words: actor, advice, agate, aide memoire, alerting, antagonist, antihero, ball, baseball bat, bat, battledore, bauble, bit, bit part, blocks, book, braid, broad hint, brush, bun, cast, catchword, cauda, caudal appendage,… … Moby Thesaurus
Fidelipac — Top view of a Fidelipac cartridge The Fidelipac, commonly known as an NAB cartridge or simply cart, is a magnetic tape sound recording format, used for radio broadcasting for playback of material over the air such as radio commercials, jingles,… … Wikipedia
Quadruplex videotape — 2 inch Quadruplex (also called 2″ Quad, or just quad, for short) was the first practical and commercially successful videotape format. It was developed and released for the broadcast television industry in 1956 by Ampex, an American company based … Wikipedia
Loop bin duplicator — A loop bin duplicator is a specialized audio tape machine utilized in the duplication of pre recorded audio cassettes. Analog Loop Bin Duplicator An analog loop bin uses a long loop of 1/2 wide tape loaded in a large bin located in the front of… … Wikipedia
аналоговый тональный сигнал метки — Сигнал в аналоговой системе, который обычно является либо последовательностью двухтональных многочастотных (DTMF) сигналов, либо сигналом замыкания контакта, который означает для аппаратуры вставки рекламы, что время для рекламного блока начнется … Справочник технического переводчика
Foster & McElroy — Denzil Foster and Thomas McElroy are an R B record production and songwriting duo which has produced and written hit singles for acts such as Club Nouveau, Tony! Toni! Toné!, Alexander O neal, Regina Bell, Madonna, Swingout Sister, to name a few … Wikipedia
Riding aids — A rider with a well balanced, independent seat, allowing her to give precise aids. Riding aids are the cues a rider gives to a horse to communicate what they want the animal to do. Riding aids are broken into the natural aids and the artificial… … Wikipedia
Culture in music cognition — refers to the impact that a person s culture has on their music cognition, including their preferences, emotion recognition, and musical memory. Musical preferences are biased toward culturally familiar musical traditions beginning in infancy,… … Wikipedia