- cubic capacity
1) строит. объём, кубатура2) авто рабочий объём (двигателя)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
cubic capacity — noun A volume; especially the volume of a cylinder head when the piston is at its lower dead centre … Wiktionary
cubic capacity — See displacement … Dictionary of automotive terms
cubic capacity — … Useful english dictionary
bale cubic capacity — kubinė krovinių talpa statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Talpykla kroviniui, matuojamam kubinėmis pėdomis, sutvirtinto rėmo viduje. Terminas „kubinė krovinių talpa“ taikomas mišriems kroviniams. Mišrusis krovinys sukraunamas sutvirtinto rėmo… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
bale cubic capacity — The space available for cargo measured in cubic feet to the inside of the cargo battens, on the frames, and to the underside of the beams. In a general cargo of mixed commodities, the bale cubic applies. The stowage of the mixed cargo comes in… … Military dictionary
capacity — [1] The ability to contain or hold something. [2] Maximum production attainable under normal conditions. With regard to normal conditions, the company s operating practices are to be followed with respect to the use of production facilities,… … Dictionary of automotive terms
cubic — cu|bic [ kjubık ] adjective only before noun 1. ) cubic units are used for measuring VOLUME (=the amount of space in an object): a cubic meter/centimeter 2. ) measured in cubic units: cubic capacity … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cubic — UK [ˈkjuːbɪk] / US [ˈkjubɪk] adjective [only before noun] maths 1) cubic units are used for measuring volume (= the amount of space in an object) a cubic metre/centimetre 2) measured in cubic units cubic capacity … English dictionary
cubic — cu|bic [ˈkju:bık] adj relating to a measurement of space which is calculated by multiplying the length of something by its width and height →↑square cubic centimetre/metre/inch etc ▪ 75,000 million cubic metres of gas ▪ the cubic capacity of an… … Dictionary of contemporary English
cubic — adjective cubic centimetre/metre/inch etc a measurement of space which is calculated by multiplying the length of something by its width and height: What s the cubic capacity of this engine? … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cubic measure — noun a unit of measurement of volume or capacity • Syn: ↑volume unit, ↑capacity unit, ↑capacity measure, ↑cubage unit, ↑cubic content unit, ↑displacement unit, ↑cubature unit • … Useful english dictionary