- air traffic control radar
РЛС управления воздушным движением
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Air traffic control radar beacon system — The air traffic control radar beacon system (ATCRBS) is a system used in air traffic control (ATC) to enhance radar monitoring and separation of air traffic. ATCRBS assists ATC radars by acquiring information about the aircraft being monitored,… … Wikipedia
air traffic control beacon interrogator — That part of the air traffic control radar beacon system located on the ground that interrogates an airborne transponder and receives a reply. The aircraft responder transmits its identity and altitude. See air traffic control radar beacon system … Aviation dictionary
air traffic control radar beacon system — A radar system in which the object to be detected is fitted with cooperative equipment in the form of a radar receiver/transmitter or a trans ponder. Radio pulses from the interrogator (transmitter/receiver) site are received in the cooperative… … Aviation dictionary
air-traffic control — air traffic controller. /air traf ik/ a government service that facilitates the safe and orderly movement of aircraft within and between airports by receiving and processing data from radar and devices that monitor local weather conditions and by … Useful english dictionary
Air Traffic Control — (ATC) bezeichnet allgemein im englischen Sprachraum: die Flugverkehrskontrolle. speziell als Gerätesystem: das Sekundärradar zur Luftraumüberwachung. Air Traffic Control Officer (ATCO) bezeichnet den verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Air traffic control — For the Canadian musical group, see Air Traffic Control (band). Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCTs) at Amsterdam s Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands … Wikipedia
air-traffic control — air traffic controller. /air traf ik/ a government service that facilitates the safe and orderly movement of aircraft within and between airports by receiving and processing data from radar and devices that monitor local weather conditions and by … Universalium
Separation (air traffic control) — In air traffic control, separation is the name for the concept of keeping an aircraft outside a minimum distance from another aircraft to reduce the risk of those aircraft colliding, as well as prevent accidents due to wake turbulence. Air… … Wikipedia
Oslo Air Traffic Control Center — or Oslo ATCC (Norwegian: Oslo Kontrollsentral) is responsible for the controlled airspace above Eastern Norway. The area control center is located at Røyken, between Oslo and Drammen. The Control Center is owned and operated by the state… … Wikipedia
Traffic Control — ➡ law enforcement * * * Introduction supervision of the movement of people, goods, or vehicles to ensure efficiency and safety. Traffic is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. The movement typically occurs… … Universalium
Air traffic control — Contrôle du trafic aérien Le contrôle aérien est un ensemble de services rendus par les contrôleurs aériens aux aéronefs afin d aider à l exécution sûre, rapide et efficace des vols. Les services rendus sont au nombre de trois, appelés services… … Wikipédia en Français