crossing gate

crossing gate
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "crossing gate" в других словарях:

  • Gate — (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in the wall… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate chamber — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate channel — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate hook — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate money — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate tender — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate valva — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate vein — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gate — gate1 [gāt] n. [ME < OE gatu, pl. of geat, a gate, akin to OFris jet, Du & ON gat, opening] 1. a movable framework or solid structure, esp. one that swings on hinges, controlling entrance or exit through an opening in a fence or wall 2. an… …   English World dictionary

  • gate|tend|er — «GAYT TEHN duhr», noun. U.S. a gatekeeper at a railroad crossing …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gate of China, Nanjing — Zhonghua Gate redirects here. For the former gate in Beijing, see Gate of China, Beijing. Chinese gate redirects here. For the architectural form, see Paifang. The Gate of China in Nanjing (simplified Chinese: 中华门; traditional Chinese: 中華門;… …   Wikipedia

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