- Crookes dark space
круксово [второе катодное\] тёмное пространство (тлеющего разряда)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
crookes dark space — ˈkru̇ks noun Usage: usually capitalized C Etymology: after Sir William Crookes died 1919 English physicist physics : a dark space between the cathode glow and the negative glow called also cathode dark space * * * Physics. the dark space between… … Useful english dictionary
Crookes dark space — Krukso tamsusis tarpas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Crookes dark space vok. Crookesscher Dunkelraum, m rus. тёмное пространство Крукса, n pranc. espace sombre de Crookes, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Crookes dark space — noun the dark space in a vacuum tube between the cathode and the negative glow, occurring when pressure is very low. Also, Crookes space, cathode dark space, cathodic dark space. {named after Sir William Crookes, 1832–1919, English chemist and… …
Crookes dark space — Physics. the dark space between the cathode glow and the negative glow in a vacuum tube, occurring when the pressure is low. Also called Crookes space. [1890 95; after Sir W. CROOKES] * * * … Universalium
dark space — noun : any of several regions or layers in the visible glow discharge of a gas filled cold cathode electron tube that remain nonluminous or exhibit low light intensity until the ions in such spaces acquire sufficient energy to excite fluorescence … Useful english dictionary
cathode dark space — noun → Crookes dark space. Also, cathodic dark space …
cathode dark space. — See Crookes dark space. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
cathode dark space — noun : crookes dark space … Useful english dictionary
cathode dark space. — See Crookes dark space. [1910 15] … Useful english dictionary
Crookes space — or Crookes dark space «kruks», the nonluminous portion of an electric discharge between the cathode and the negative glow, present when the discharge takes place in a tube containing a gas at very low pressure. ╂[< Sir William Crookes, 1832… … Useful english dictionary
Crookes tube — A Crookes tube. The electrons travel in straight lines from the cathode on the left, shown by the shadow cast by the cross on the fluorescence on the righthand wall. The anode is at the bottom. A Crookes tube is an early experimental electrical… … Wikipedia