crew's launch

crew's launch
разъездной катер (для экипажа судна)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "crew's launch" в других словарях:

  • Crew Return Vehicle — ISS Crew Return Vehicle – CRV (X 38 Prototype) Operator NASA The Crew Return Vehicle (CRV), sometimes referred to as the Assured Crew Return Vehicle (ACRV), is the proposed lifeboat or escape module for the International Spa …   Wikipedia

  • Launch 5 — is a restored NYPD Patrol Launch presently in use as a US Coast Guard Auxiliary Facility as well as for volunteer non profit environmental, public safety and educational work. Launch 5 enjoys a rich history beginning with her construction and… …   Wikipedia

  • launch vehicle — Aerospace. a rocket used to launch a spacecraft or satellite into orbit or a space probe into space. [1955 1960] * * * Rocket system that boosts a spacecraft into Earth orbit or beyond Earth s gravitational pull. A wide variety of launch vehicles …   Universalium

  • Launch escape system — A Launch Escape System (LES) is a top mounted rocket connected to the crew module of a crewed spacecraft and used to quickly separate the crew module from the rest of the rocket in case of emergency. Since the escape rockets are above the crew… …   Wikipedia

  • Crew Exploration Vehicle — This page refers to initial design, for current version see: Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle. CEV initial concept in Lockheed Martin design, showing delta wing crew module (at right), with a mission module and propulsion stage (with rocket engines)… …   Wikipedia

  • Launch control center (ICBM) — The launch control center, or LCC for short, is the main control facility of any U.S. ICBM complex. From here, the crew can monitor the complex, launch the missile, or relax in the living quarters (depending on the ICBM system). The LCC is… …   Wikipedia

  • Crew transport vehicle — For the Chevrolet minivan, see Chevrolet Astro. Shuttle era Astrovan drives in front of the Vehicle Assembly Building. The Crew Transport Vehicle, also known as the Astrovan, is a NASA vehicle used at the Kennedy Space Center to transport… …   Wikipedia

  • Launch Control Center — The Launch Control Center (LCC) is a four story building located at Kennedy Space Center, and is used for the supervision of launches from Launch Complex 39. In practice, this means that the LCC handles all manned spaceflights from KSC. Attached… …   Wikipedia

  • Crew Exploration Vehicle — Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dem Raumschiff der US Weltraumbehörde NASA; Informationen zur Fernsehserie mit dem Raumschiff Orion siehe Raumpatrouille; Informationen zum nuklearen Pulstriebwerk siehe Orion Projekt. Logo des Orion… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • crew chief — noun : a noncommissioned officer (as in the United States Air Force) who supervises a ground crew of airplane mechanics * * * crew chief, 1. (in the U.S. Air Force) a noncommissioned officer who supervises a ground crew. 2. any person in charge… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crew Launch Vehicle — Konzeptvorstellungen von Ares I (leichter Träger) (links) und Ares V (schwerer Träger) (rechts) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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