- credit title
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
credit title — noun see credit (sense 4) … English new terms dictionary
Credit Mission — The Credit Mission, in the winter of 1827. The Credit Mission was an Indian Mission on the Credit River in Upper Canada. Funded with the proceeds from Purchase #22 or #23, building began in 1826 under the leadership of Peter Jones.[1 … Wikipedia
credit — n. & v. n. 1 (usu. of a person) a source of honour, pride, etc. (is a credit to the school). 2 the acknowledgement of merit (must give him credit for consistency). 3 a good reputation (his credit stands high). 4 a belief or trust (I place credit… … Useful english dictionary
credit — noun 1》 the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future. ↘money lent or made available under such an arrangement. 2》 an entry in an account recording a sum… … English new terms dictionary
credit — cre·dit s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS cinem., telev. elenco di coloro che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione di un film o di un programma televisivo {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1966. ETIMO: accorc. della loc. credit title titolo di… … Dizionario italiano
Credit union history — Credit unions are community based banks organized according to cooperative principles. In the early stages of development of a nation s financial system, unserved and underserved populations must rely on risky and expensive informal financial… … Wikipedia
Title 12 of the United States Code — outlines the role of Banks and Banking in the United States Code.*: The Comptroller of the Currency *: National Banks *: Federal Reserve System *: Taxation *: Crimes And Offenses *: Foreign Banking *: Export Import Bank of the United States *:… … Wikipedia
Credit card debt — is an example of unsecured consumer debt, accessed through credit cards. Debt results when a client of a credit card company purchases an item or service through the card system. Debt accumulates and increases via interest and penalties when the… … Wikipedia
credit — cred·it 1 n 1: recognition see also full faith and credit 2 a: the balance in an account which may be drawn upon and repaid later compare loan … Law dictionary
Crédit Agricole — S.A. Type Société Anonyme Traded as Euronext: … Wikipedia
Credit — Cred it (kr[e^]d [i^]t), n. [F. cr[ e]dit (cf. It. credito), L. creditum loan, prop. neut. of creditus, p. p. of credere to trust, loan, believe. See {Creed}.] 1. Reliance on the truth of something said or done; belief; faith; trust; confidence.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English