- course error
курсовая погрешность
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Error — Er ror, n. [OF. error, errur, F. erreur, L. error, fr. errare to err. See {Err}.] 1. A wandering; a roving or irregular course. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The rest of his journey, his error by sea. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 2. A wandering or deviation … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
error — er·ror n: an act that through ignorance, deficiency, or accident departs from or fails to achieve what should be done procedural error s; esp: a mistake made by a lower court in conducting judicial proceedings or making findings in a case to… … Law dictionary
error — error, mistake, blunder, slip, lapse, faux pas, bull, howler, boner are comparable when they denote something (as an act, statement, or belief) that involves a departure from what is, or what is generally held to be, true, right, or proper. Error … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Course (navigation) — In navigation, a vehicle s course is the angle that the intended path of the vehicle makes with a fixed reference object (typically true north). Typically course is measured in degrees from 0° clockwise to 360° in compass convention (0° being… … Wikipedia
Course Setting Bomb Sight — The CSBS Mk. IX mounted in a Fairey Battle. The bomb aimer is sighting through the white ring shaped backsights to the pin shaped foresights (just visible against the armoured cable) and holding the bomb release switch in his right hand. The… … Wikipedia
Error — The word error has different meanings and usages relative to how it is conceptually applied. The concrete meaning of the Latin word error means wandering or straying . To the contrary of an illusion, an error or a mistake can sometimes be… … Wikipedia
error — A mistaken judgment or incorrect belief as to the existence or effect of matters of fact, or a false or mistaken conception or application of the law. Such a mistaken or false conception or application of the law to the facts of a cause as will… … Black's law dictionary
error — A mistaken judgment or incorrect belief as to the existence or effect of matters of fact, or a false or mistaken conception or application of the law. Such a mistaken or false conception or application of the law to the facts of a cause as will… … Black's law dictionary
Error threshold (evolution) — The error threshold is a concept in the study of evolutionary biology and population genetics and is concerned with the origins of life, in particular of very early life, before the advent of DNA. The first self replicating molecules were… … Wikipedia
error — noun Etymology: Middle English errour, from Anglo French, from Latin error, from errare Date: 13th century 1. a. an act or condition of ignorant or imprudent deviation from a code of behavior b. an act involving an unintentional deviation from… … New Collegiate Dictionary
error, writ of — A writ issued from a court of appellate jurisdiction, directed to the judge or judges of a court of record, requiring them to remit to the appellate court the record of an action before them, in which a final judgment has been entered, in order… … Black's law dictionary