air intake

air intake
1) воздухозаборник
2) приток воздуха
3) метал. всасывающее окно

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "air intake" в других словарях:

  • air-intake — noun a duct that admits air to be mixed with fuel • Hypernyms: ↑duct • Part Holonyms: ↑carburetor, ↑carburettor * * * airˈ intake noun 1. A valve or other opening through which air is drawn in, esp to an engine 2. The amoun …   Useful english dictionary

  • air intake — The opening through which air enters a component such as the carburetor, fuel injection system, radiator, heating system, or ventilation system. See cold air intake …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • air intake — The entries through which air is fed to the engines. Gas turbine engines have large forward facing scoops to utilize the full ram pressure of the air stream, and turboprop engines have a large annular space around the spinner. Air intakes may be… …   Aviation dictionary

  • air-intake — /ˈɛər ɪnteɪk/ (say airr intayk) noun 1. an opening in an aircraft for introducing air, mainly for the engines. 2. the opening through which air enters a carburettor. 3. a quantity of air taken in …  

  • air intake — noun the part of an engine, especially a jet engine, through which air is drawn …   Wiktionary

  • Cold air intake — A cold air intake is an aftermarket assembly of parts used to bring relatively cool air into a car s internal combustion engine. Most vehicles manufactured since the mid 1970s have thermostatic air intake systems that regulate the temperature of… …   Wikipedia

  • Short ram air intake — The short ram air intake is a form of aftermarket air intake for automobiles with internal combustion engines.It basically replaces the OEM air intake with a short metal pipe and air filter inside the engine bay. This can slightly boost… …   Wikipedia

  • Ram-air intake — A ram air intake is any intake design which uses the dynamic air pressure created by vehicle motion to increase the static air pressure inside of the intake manifold on an engine, thus allowing a greater massflow through the engine and hence… …   Wikipedia

  • Warm air intake — A warm air intake or WAI is a system to decrease the amount of the air going into a car for the purpose of increasing the fuel economy of the internal combustion engine. This term may also be used to describe a short ram air intake, a totally… …   Wikipedia

  • Warm air intake (disambiguation) — warm air intake may refer to: * An air intake of an internal combustion engine which draws air from inside the warm engine bay. * Heated air inlet of carburetted engines to increase the temperature of the air going into the engine for the purpose …   Wikipedia

  • Intake (disambiguation) — Intake may refer to: * a business process for accepting new work requests * the air intake of an internal combustion engine * food intake * intake, a parcel of land taken in from a moor. From which are named a number of settlements, including: ** …   Wikipedia

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