- air inclusion
воздушный пузырь; воздушная раковина
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
inclusion — [ ɛ̃klyzjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1655; « action de déclarer inclus » 1580; lat. inclusio 1 ♦ Log., math. Relation entre deux classes, entre deux ensembles, dont l un est inclus dans l autre (⇒ implication). Inclusion réciproque. ⇒ identité. 2 ♦ Histol.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Air ambulance — A Eurocopter EC 145 of Switzerland s Rega air rescue service. An air ambulance is an aircraft used for emergency medical assistance in situations where either a traditio … Wikipedia
Air Florida — IATA QH OACI FLA Indicativo PALM Fundación 1971 … Wikipedia Español
Inclusion (minéralogie) — Inclusions de rutile dans un cristal de quartz. En minéralogie, une inclusion désigne un matériau emprisonné à l intérieur d un minéral. Les inclusions peuvent être un liquide, un gaz, du pétrole ou un autre minéral … Wikipédia en Français
Air transport and the environment (United Kingdom) — Increasing demand for air travel in the UK has resulted in a conflict between the desire to cater for that demand and the environmental consequences of doing so. In the past 25 years the UK air transport industry has seen sustained growth, and… … Wikipedia
Inclusion compound — In host guest chemistry an inclusion compound is a complex in which one chemical compound (the host ) forms a cavity in which molecules of a second guest compound are located. The definition of inclusion compounds is very broad, extending to… … Wikipedia
Air Mobility Rodeo — The Air Mobility Rodeo is a biennial, international airlift competition hosted by the United States Air Force Air Mobility Command.OverviewAir Mobility Command gathers wings from active duty, reserve, and Air National Guard units from across the… … Wikipedia
Air Ministry — The Air Ministry was formerly a department of the British Government with the responsibility of managing the affairs of the Royal Air Force.Organizations before the Air MinistryThe Air CommitteeOn 13 April 1912, less than two weeks after the… … Wikipedia
Air option — The air option is a system of offensive plays in American football used mostly at the collegiate and high school level. Like other option offense attacks, the air option relies on a series of choices (options) by the quarterback on whether to run … Wikipedia
National Inclusion Project — (formerly Bubel Aiken Foundation) Founder(s) Clay Aiken, Diane Bubel Type 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization Founded July 28, 2003 (2 … Wikipedia
Turkish Air Force — Infobox Military Unit unit name= Turkish Air Force Türk Hava Kuvvetleri caption= Turkish Air Force Emblem start date= 1909 1911 country= TUR allegiance= branch= type= role= size=803 aircraft *65.000 personnel command structure= Turkish Armed… … Wikipedia