- corrosive
1) корродирующее вещество2) коррозионный, агрессивный
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Corrosive — Cor*ro sive (k?r r? s?v), a. [Cf. F. corrosif.] 1. Eating away; having the power of gradually wearing, changing, or destroying the texture or substance of a body; as, the corrosive action of an acid. Corrosive liquors. Grew. Corrosive famine.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corrosive — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ tending to cause corrosion. ► NOUN ▪ a corrosive substance. DERIVATIVES corrosively adverb corrosiveness noun … English terms dictionary
Corrosive — Cor*ro sive, n. 1. That which has the quality of eating or wearing away gradually. [1913 Webster] [Corrosives] act either directly, by chemically destroying the part, or indirectly by causing inflammation and gangrene. Dunglison. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corrosive — index adverse (negative), bitter (penetrating), caustic, decadent, deleterious, disadvantageous … Law dictionary
corrosive — late 14c., from O.Fr. corrosif (13c.), from corroder (see CORRODE (Cf. corrode)) … Etymology dictionary
corrosive — [adj] consuming, wearing; bitter acerb, acerbic, acrid, biting, caustic, corroding, cutting, destructive, erosive, incisive, sarcastic, strongly acid, trenchant, venomous, virulent, wasting; concept 537 Ant. contributing, fortifying, supporting … New thesaurus
corrosive — [kə rō′siv] adj. [OFr corrosif < ML corrosivus] 1. corroding or causing corrosion 2. bitingly sarcastic; cutting; acid n. something causing corrosion corrosively adv. corrosiveness n … English World dictionary
corrosive — adjective Date: 14th century 1. tending or having the power to corrode < corrosive acids > < corrosive action > < the corrosive effects of alcoholism > 2. bitingly sarcastic < corrosive satire > • corrosive … New Collegiate Dictionary
corrosive — [[t]kəro͟ʊsɪv[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A corrosive substance is able to destroy solid materials by a chemical reaction. Sodium and sulphur are highly corrosive. 2) ADJ GRADED If you say that something has a corrosive effect, you mean that it gradually… … English dictionary
corrosive — corrosively, adv. corrosiveness, corrosivity /kawr oh siv i tee, kor /, n. /keuh roh siv/, adj. 1. having the quality of corroding or eating away; erosive. 2. harmful or destructive; deleterious: the corrosive effect of poverty on their marriage … Universalium
corrosive — 1. Causing corrosion. 2. An agent that produces corrosion; e.g., a strong acid or alkali. * * * cor·ro·sive rō siv, ziv adj tending or having the power to corrode <corrosive acids> <a corrosive gas> cor·ro·sive·ness n corrosive … Medical dictionary