correlation matrix

correlation matrix
корреляционная матрица

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "correlation matrix" в других словарях:

  • correlation matrix — koreliacinė matrica statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. correlation matrix vok. Korrelationsmatrix, f rus. корреляционная матрица, f; матрица коэффициентов корреляции, f pranc. matrice de corrélation, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • correlation matrix — noun a matrix giving the correlations between all pairs of data sets • Topics: ↑statistics • Hypernyms: ↑matrix …   Useful english dictionary

  • Matrix theory — is a branch of mathematics which focuses on the study of matrices. Initially a sub branch of linear algebra, it has grown to cover subjects related to graph theory, algebra, combinatorics, and statistics as well.HistoryThe term matrix was first… …   Wikipedia

  • Correlation — In probability theory and statistics, correlation, (often measured as a correlation coefficient), indicates the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two random variables. In general statistical usage, correlation or co relation …   Wikipedia

  • Correlation and dependence — This article is about correlation and dependence in statistical data. For other uses, see correlation (disambiguation). In statistics, dependence refers to any statistical relationship between two random variables or two sets of data. Correlation …   Wikipedia

  • Correlation function — For other uses, see Correlation function (disambiguation). A correlation function is the correlation between random variables at two different points in space or time, usually as a function of the spatial or temporal distance between the points.… …   Wikipedia

  • Correlation function (disambiguation) — Correlation function may refer to: Correlation function, correlation between random variables at two different points in space or time Correlation function (quantum field theory), matrix element computed by inserting a product of operators… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix attachment region — (MAR), also known as Scaffold/matrix attachment regions (S/MARs), are sequences in the DNA of eukaryotic chromosomes where the nuclear matrix attaches. S/MARs mediate structural organization of the chromatin within the nucleus. These elements… …   Wikipedia

  • correlation VAR — is a measure of a financial instrument s, a portfolio of financial instruments, or an entity s exposure to reductions in value resulting from changes in prevailing interest rates. Also called analytical VAR, correlation VAR is one of several… …   Financial and business terms

  • Correlation function (quantum field theory) — For other uses, see Correlation function (disambiguation). Quantum field theory …   Wikipedia

  • Partial correlation — In probability theory and statistics, partial correlation measures the degree of association between two random variables, with the effect of a set of controlling random variables removed. Contents 1 Formal definition 2 Computation 2.1 Using… …   Wikipedia

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