- air emulsion
воздушная эмульсия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
émulsion — [ emylsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1560; lat. emulsum, supin de emulgere « traire » 1 ♦ Préparation liquide d apparence laiteuse tenant en suspension une substance huileuse ou résineuse (ex. lait d amandes). 2 ♦ Chim. Mélange hétérogène de deux liquides non… … Encyclopédie Universelle
emulsion tube — part of a fixed jet carburetor, in which air is introduced into the mixture through holes to help atomize it and correct excessive richness at higher engine speeds. A perforated tube which extends from an air bleed in the top of the air horn down … Dictionary of automotive terms
air correction jet — A small orifice which permits air to enter the emulsion tube of a carburetor … Dictionary of automotive terms
emulsion — A mixture of two liquids which do not fully mix, such as oil and water, or specifically of gasoline and air in a carburetor before it is discharged and fully atomized … Dictionary of automotive terms
Compressed Air Foam — CAFS ou Compressed Air Foam Systems signifie « système de mousse à air comprimé ». La mousse à air comprimé est une substance qui ressemble à de la mousse à raser (CAF sèche) ou à de la crème glacée fondue (CAF mouillée). Elle est… … Wikipédia en Français
latex — la·tex || leɪteks n. milky fluid secreted by certain plants that congeals when exposed to air; emulsion of synthetic rubber (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
latexes — la·tex || leɪteks n. milky fluid secreted by certain plants that congeals when exposed to air; emulsion of synthetic rubber (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
latices — la·tex || leɪteks n. milky fluid secreted by certain plants that congeals when exposed to air; emulsion of synthetic rubber (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
idle transfer port — A port drilled into the carburetor body slightly above the idle port to allow extra fuel/air emulsion into the airstream during the transition period when the throttle plate is opening from its idle (closed) position to a larger (cruising)… … Dictionary of automotive terms
idle transfer slot — A port drilled into the carburetor body slightly above the idle port to allow extra fuel/air emulsion into the airstream during the transition period when the throttle plate is opening from its idle (closed) position to a larger (cruising)… … Dictionary of automotive terms
aerosol — /air euh sawl , sol /, n. 1. Physical Chem. a system of colloidal particles dispersed in a gas; smoke or fog. 2. a liquid substance, as a disinfectant or deodorant, sealed in a metal container under pressure with an inert gas or other activating… … Universalium