- corded fabric
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
corded — adjective Date: 14th century 1. a. made of or provided with cords or ridges; specifically muscled in ridges b. of a muscle tense, taut 2. bound, fastened, or wound about with cords 3. striped or ribbed with or as if with cord … New Collegiate Dictionary
Corded quilting — Man s waistcoat decorated with floral designs in corded quilting. Probably English, c. 1760. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, M.2007.211.813. Corded quilting (also known as Marseilles quilting, Marseilles embroidery or marcella) is a decorative… … Wikipedia
corded — /kawr did/, adj. 1. furnished with, made of, or in the form of cords. 2. ribbed, as a fabric. 3. bound with cords. 4. (of wood) stacked up in cords. 5. stringy, or ribbed, in appearance, esp. from the prominence of the muscles, veins, etc.: a… … Universalium
corded — cord•ed [[t]ˈkɔr dɪd[/t]] adj. 1) furnished with, made of, or in the form of cords 2) tex ribbed, as a fabric 3) bound with cords 4) (of wood) stacked up in cords 5) stringy or ribbed in appearance • Etymology: 1350–1400 … From formal English to slang
corded — /ˈkɔdəd/ (say kawduhd) adjective 1. equipped with, made of, having, or in the form of cords. 2. ribbed, as a fabric. 3. bound with cords. 4. (of wood) stacked up in cords …
Moire (fabric) — Moire ribbons In textiles, a moire (pronounced /ˈmwɑr/ or /ˈmɔr/) (less often, moiré) is a fabric with a wavy (watered) appearance produced mainly from silk, but also wool, cotton and rayon. The watered ap … Wikipedia
poplin — /pop lin/, n. a finely corded fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or wool, for dresses, draperies, etc. [1700 10; < F popeline, earlier papeline < It papalina, fem. of papalino papal; so called from being made at the papal city of Avignon. See PAPAL,… … Universalium
Russell cord — is a corded fabric made with a cotton warp and worsted filling; two warp ends are woven together to form the cord. The cord lines run warpwise. [Fairchild s Dictionary of Textiles, 7th edition.] It can be woven using 40% cotton and 60% wool (or… … Wikipedia
piqué — stiff durable corded fabric of cotton, rayon or silk Fabric and Cloth … Phrontistery dictionary
cord — [[t]kɔrd[/t]] n. 1) tex a string or thin rope made of several strands braided, twisted, or woven together 2) elm a small, flexible, insulated electrical cable 3) tex a ribbed fabric, esp. corduroy 4) tex a cordlike rib on the surface of cloth 5)… … From formal English to slang
grosgrain — noun Etymology: French gros grain coarse texture Date: 1868 a strong close woven corded fabric usually of silk or rayon and often with cotton filler compare grogram … New Collegiate Dictionary