Смотреть что такое "corbelling" в других словарях:
Corbelling — Corbeling Cor bel*ing, Corbelling Cor bel*ling, n. Corbel work or the construction of corbels; a series of corbels or piece of continuous corbeled masonry, sometimes of decorative purpose, as in the stalactite ornament of the Moslems. [Webster… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corbelling — corbel ► NOUN ▪ a projection jutting out from a wall to support a structure above it. DERIVATIVES corbelled (US corbeled) adjective corbelling (US corbeling) noun. ORIGIN Old French, little crow , from Latin corvus raven (perhaps because the… … English terms dictionary
corbelling — /ˈkɔbəlɪŋ/ (say kawbuhling) noun Architecture 1. the construction of corbels. 2. an overlapping arrangement of stones, etc., supported by corbels. Also, US, corbeling …
corbelling — noun see corbeling … Useful english dictionary
Corbel — For other uses, see Corbel (disambiguation). Elaborately decorated classical style stone corbels support balconies on a building in Indianapolis … Wikipedia
Architecture of Cambodia — The period of Angkor is the period from approximately the latter half of the 8th century A.D. to the first half of the 15th century. If precise dates are required, the beginning may be set in 802 A.D., when the Khmer King Jayavarman II pronounced … Wikipedia
Amisfield Tower — is an impressive, well preserved castle about 5 miles north of Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. The castle, also known as Hempisfield Tower, is still occupied.The location of Amisfield Tower is at gbmappingsmall|NX992838. History There… … Wikipedia
ARCH — The arch was invented around 2500 BC in the Indus Valley of ancient India. It is a curved structure that rests on posts or walls and allows for the spanning of an architectural space. Prior to the use of the arch, the post and lintel structure … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
Arch — • A structure composed of separate pieces, such as stone or bricks, having the shape of truncated wedges, arranged on a curved line so as to retain their position by mutual pressure Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Arch Arch … Catholic encyclopedia
corbeling — noun or corbelling ( s) 1. a. : a member that serves as a corbel; especially : continuous corbeled masonry b. : ornamental molding having steps like a corbel … Useful english dictionary
Corbeling — Cor bel*ing, Corbelling Cor bel*ling, n. Corbel work or the construction of corbels; a series of corbels or piece of continuous corbeled masonry, sometimes of decorative purpose, as in the stalactite ornament of the Moslems. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English