copper bit
Смотреть что такое "copper bit" в других словарях:
copper bit — noun : the copper head of a soldering iron to which an iron shank is attached; also : soldering iron … Useful english dictionary
copper — 1. n., adj., & v. n. 1 Chem. a malleable red brown metallic element of the transition series occurring naturally esp. in cuprite and malachite, and used esp. for electrical cables and apparatus. Usage: Symb.: Cu. 2 a bronze coin. 3 a large metal… … Useful english dictionary
Copper ion swimming pool system — Copper ion swimming pool systems use a low voltage current across copper bars (solid copper, or a mixture of copper and zinc or silver) to free copper ions into the flow of pool water to kill organisms such as algae in the water and provide a… … Wikipedia
Bit stream access — refers to the situation where a wireline incumbent install a high speed access link to the customers premises (e.g., by installing ADSL equipment in the local access network) and then makes this access link available to third parties, to enable… … Wikipedia
Bit mouthpiece — This article is about the part of a bit that goes into the mouth of a horse. For an overview of bits in general, see Bit (horse). For types of bridles, see Bridle. Single jointed pelham. The mouthpiece is the part of a horse s bit that goes into… … Wikipedia
Bit (horse) — For other uses, see bit (disambiguation). A horse wearing an English bridle with a snaffle bit and a cavesson A bit is a type of horse tack used in equestrian activities, usually made of metal or a synthetic material, and is placed in the mouth… … Wikipedia
bit — 1. n. 1 a small piece or quantity (a bit of cheese; give me another bit; that bit is too small). 2 (prec. by a) a a fair amount (sold quite a bit; needed a bit of persuading). b colloq. somewhat (am a bit tired). c (foll. by of) colloq. rather (a … Useful english dictionary
bit — bit1 noun 1》 a small piece, quantity, or extent of something. 2》 informal a set of actions or ideas associated with a specific activity: she did her theatrical bit. 3》 informal a girl or young woman. 4》 N. Amer. informal a unit of 12 1/2 cents… … English new terms dictionary
Copper cable certification — 10G Certification Kit In copper twisted pair wire networks, copper cable certification is achieved through a thorough series of tests in accordance with Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) or International Organization for… … Wikipedia
copper beech — /kɒpə ˈbitʃ/ (say kopuh beech) noun a variety of the beech, Fagus sylvatica, with reddish brown leaves …
Amiga Copper — Der Copper ist einer der Koprozessoren im Chipsatz des Amiga Computers von Commodore. Seine grundlegendste Aufgabe ist, bei Beginn eines Bildaufbaus die Videologik des Chipsatzes zu initialisieren, damit bei jedem Bildaufbau die gleichen… … Deutsch Wikipedia