
1) охладитель, охлаждающий аппарат
2) камера охлаждения, остывочная
3) камера хранения охлажденных продуктов
4) холодильник
5) холодильный шкаф
6) машинист холодильной установки или холодильной машины
7) охладитель, охлаждающее средство, охлаждающий агент
8) авто охладитель; теплообменник; радиатор
9) (воздушный) кондиционер
air cooled oil cooler
air cooler
air-intake cooler
automatic defrost cooler
bare tube water cooler
blancher cooler
brine cooler
centrifugal cooler
charge air cooler
coke cooler
cold storage cooler
concentric-tube cooler
countercurrent cooler
decay heat cooler
descending film cooler
direct-expansion cooler
engine air cooler
finned cooler
flow-through cooler
gravity-type air cooler
hermetic centrifugal air cooler
hermetic cooler
high-capacity cooler
hydrogen gas cooler
immersion cooler
inner-fin water cooler
integral oil cooler
interstage cooler
irrigation cooler
Joule-Thomson cooler
keel cooler
main oil cooler
mechanical cooler
multicircuit cooler
multiple pipe cooler
multiple-flow cooler
multistream cooler
multitier cooler
needle cooler
oil cooler
open flash cooler
packaged cooler
packing-shipping cooler
Peltier cooler
pipe coif cooler
pipe cooler
portable cooler
prechill cooler
prefabricated cooler
processing cooler
rack-type cooler
radiative cooler
radiator-type oil cooler
reach-in cooler
reciprocating cooler
reflux cooler
roof cooler
rotary packaged air cooler
seal oil cooler
sectional cooler
self-contained air cooler
sensible heat cooler
shell-and-coil cooler
shell-and-tube cooler
shipping cooler
slag-notch cooler
spot air cooler
spray cooler
stack cooler
step-in cooler
still air cooler
surface cooler
surface-type cooler
suspended air cooler
tube-in-tube cooler
two-temperature cooler
unicoil cooler
uniflow cooler
unit air cooler
walk-in cooler
water cooled oil cooler
water cooler
water-cooled helium cooler
water-drip cooler
water-quenched type cooler

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cooler" в других словарях:

  • Cooler — Personnage de Dragon Ball Z Origine Extraterrestre Activité(s) Guerrier …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cooler — es un personaje de ficción de la serie de manga y anime Dragon Ball que únicamente aparece en las películas Los Mejores Rivales y Guerreros de Fuerza Ilimitada y en el OVA El Plan para destruir a los Saiyajin, y se le ve por televisión en Dragon… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • cooler — cooler; hy·dro·cooler; pre·cooler; …   English syllables

  • Cooler — Cool er, n. That which cools, or abates heat or excitement. [1913 Webster] If acid things were used only as coolers, they would not be so proper in this case. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything in or by which liquids or other things are cooled …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cooler — ► NOUN 1) a device or container for keeping things cool. 2) N. Amer. a refrigerator. 3) a long drink, especially a mixture of wine, fruit juice, and soda water. 4) (the cooler) informal prison or a prison cell …   English terms dictionary

  • cooler — (n.) 1570s, a vessel in which something is set to cool, agent noun from COOL (Cf. cool) (v.). Meaning insulated box to keep things cool is from 1958. Slang meaning jail is attested from 1884 …   Etymology dictionary

  • cooler — [ko͞ol′ər] n. 1. a device, container, or room for cooling things or keeping them cool 2. anything that cools 3. a cold, refreshing drink, sometimes containing wine or other alcohol ☆ 4. Slang jail: with the …   English World dictionary

  • Cooler — For other uses, see Cooler (disambiguation). Portable Ice Chest, U.S. Patent # 2,663,167 (1953). A cooler, cool box,[1] portable ice chest, chilly bin (in New Zealand), or esky (Australia) most commonly is an insul …   Wikipedia

  • cooler — Synonyms and related words: air cooler, calaboose, can, chiller, chokey, clink, cold pack, coop, fan, hoosegow, ice bag, ice bucket, ice cube, ice pack, ice pail, jug, lockup, pokey, prison, quod, slammer, stir, surface cooler, ventilator, water… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cooler — /kooh leuhr/, n. 1. a container or apparatus, as an insulated chest, in which something may be cooled or kept cool. 2. anything that cools or makes cool; refrigerant. 3. an air conditioner. 4. a tall drink, consisting of liquor, soda, and a fruit …   Universalium

  • Cooler — A slang term used to describe someone considered to have bad luck with stock picking. Coolers are usually blamed for the poor performance of a stock after they have either purchased or recommended those shares. The term cooler has been used to… …   Investment dictionary

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