- air cushion
воздушная подушка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Air cushion — Air Air ([^a]r), n. [OE. air, eir, F. air, L. a[ e]r, fr. Gr. ah r, air, mist, for a[digamma]hr, fr. root a[digamma] to blow, breathe, probably akin to E. wind. In sense 10 the French has taking a meaning fr. It. aria atmosphere, air, fr. the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
air cushion — n. 1. a cushion inflated with air 2. Mech. a device for lessening shock by means of the elasticity of compressed air … English World dictionary
air-cushion — airˈ cushion noun 1. A cushion that can be inflated 2. A protective barrier, eg between a hovercraft and land or water, formed by down driven air • • • Main Entry: ↑air … Useful english dictionary
air-cushion — See air cushion. * * * … Universalium
air-cushion vehicle — [er′ koosh΄ən] n. a vehicle that travels just above the surface of land or water on a cushion of air provided by a downward jet from its engines, propellers, etc. * * * or hovercraft Vehicle supported above the surface of land or water by an air… … Universalium
air-cushion vehicle — [er′ koosh΄ən] n. a vehicle that travels just above the surface of land or water on a cushion of air provided by a downward jet from its engines, propellers, etc … English World dictionary
air cushion vehicle — air cushion vehicle, a vehicle that travels a few feet above the surface of land or water on a cushion of air produced by a system of fans; ground effect machine; hovercraft. Abbr: ACV … Useful english dictionary
air cushion — air cushioned, adj. 1. an inflatable, airtight cushion. 2. See air chamber (def. 2). 3. an air bag. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
air cushion — air bag, inflatable cushion; pocket of air forced down to support a hydrofoil … English contemporary dictionary
air-cushion machine — ▪ vehicle Introduction also called ground effect machine, or hovercraft, any of the machines characterized by movement in which a significant portion of the weight is supported by forces arising from air pressures developed around the… … Universalium
air cushion vehicle. — See ACV (def. 2). Also, air cushion vehicle. [1960 65] * * * … Universalium