convex(o)-concave lens

convex(o)-concave lens
мениск, выпукло-вогнутая линза

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "convex(o)-concave lens" в других словарях:

  • concave — con|cave [ˌkɔnˈkeıv, kən US ˌka:nˈkeıv, kən ] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: concavus, from com ( COM ) + cavus hollow ] a concave surface is curved inwards in the middle ≠ ↑convex ▪ a concave lens …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Lens (optics) — For other uses, see Lens. A lens. Lenses can be used to focus light. A lens is an optical device with perfect or approximate axial symmetry which tra …   Wikipedia

  • Concave — A concave set. The word concave means curving in or hollowed inward, as opposed to convex. The former may be used in reference to: Concave lens, a lens with inward curving (concave) surfaces. Concave polygon, a polygon which is not convex.… …   Wikipedia

  • Convex — A convex set. The word convex means curving out or bulging outward, as opposed to concave. Convex or convexity may refer to: Mathematics: Convex set, a set of points containing all line segments between each pair of its points Convex function, a… …   Wikipedia

  • lens system — noun a transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images • Syn: ↑lens, ↑lense • Hypernyms: ↑optical device • Hyponyms: ↑anastigmat, ↑anastigmatic lens, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • lens — lensless, adj. lenslike, adj. /lenz/, n., pl. lenses, v. n. 1. a piece of transparent substance, usually glass, having two opposite surfaces either both curved or one curved and one plane, used in an optical device in changing the convergence of… …   Universalium

  • LENS —    a piece of glass adapted as convex or concave so as to change the direction of the rays of light passing through it and magnify or diminish the apparent size of an object …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Lens — (l[e^]nz), n.; pl. {Lenses} ( [e^]z). [L. lens a lentil. So named from the resemblance in shape of a double convex lens to the seed of a lentil. Cf. {Lentil}.] (Opt.) A piece of glass, or other transparent substance, ground with two opposite… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Double-Gauss lens — The double Gauss design with optical ray traces The double Gauss lens is a compound lens used mostly in camera lenses that reduces optical aberrations over a large focal plane. Contents 1 Design …   Wikipedia

  • Lens — The transparent structure inside the eye that focuses light rays onto the retina (the nerve layer that lines the back of the eye, senses light and creates impulses that go through the optic nerve to the brain). The lens was named after the lentil …   Medical dictionary

  • lens — n. 1) to grind a lens 2) a concave; convex; crystalline; telephoto. telescopic lens 3) contact; corrective lenses * * * [lenz] convex corrective lenses crystalline telephoto telescopic lens a concave contact to grind a lens …   Combinatory dictionary

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