convergent integral

convergent integral
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "convergent integral" в других словарях:

  • Convergent series — redirects here. For the short story collection, see Convergent Series (short story collection). In mathematics, a series is the sum of the terms of a sequence of numbers. Given a sequence , the nth partial sum Sn is the sum of the first n terms… …   Wikipedia

  • Convergent extension — Convergent extension, or Convergence and Extension, is the process by which the tissue of an embryo is restructured to converge (narrow) along one axis and extend (elongate) along a perpendicular axis by cellular movement. An example of this… …   Wikipedia

  • Convergent Series (short story collection) — Convergent Series   Author(s) Larry Niven …   Wikipedia

  • convergent — adjective Date: circa 1751 1. tending to move toward one point or to approach each other ; converging < convergent lines > 2. exhibiting convergence in form, function, or development < convergent evolution > 3 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Multiple integral — Topics in Calculus Fundamental theorem Limits of functions Continuity Mean value theorem Differential calculus  Derivative Change of variables Implicit differentiation Taylor s theorem Related rates …   Wikipedia

  • Trigonometric integral — Si(x) (blue) and Ci(x) (green) plotted on the same plot. In mathematics, the trigonometric integrals are a family of integrals which involve trigonometric functions. A number of the basic trigonometric integrals are discussed at the list of… …   Wikipedia

  • Exponential integral — is a mathematical function of a single argument which has no established notation.DefinitionsFor real values of x , the exponential integral Ei( x ) can be defined as : mbox{Ei}(x)=int { infty}^xfrac{e^t}t,dt., The definition above can be used… …   Wikipedia

  • Logarithmic integral function — In mathematics, the logarithmic integral function or integral logarithm li(x) is a special function. It occurs in problems of physics and has number theoretic significance, occurring in the prime number theorem as an estimate of the number of… …   Wikipedia

  • Improper integral — In calculus, an improper integral is the limit of a definite integral as an endpoint of the interval of integration approaches either a specified real number or ∞ or −∞ or, in some cases, as both endpoints approach limits.Specifically, an… …   Wikipedia

  • Daniell integral — In mathematics, the Daniell integral is a type of integration that generalizes the concept of more elementary versions such as the Riemann integral to which students are typically first introduced. One of the main difficulties with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Riemann integral — In the branch of mathematics known as real analysis, the Riemann integral, created by Bernhard Riemann, was the first rigorous definition of the integral of a function on an interval. While the Riemann integral is unsuitable for many theoretical… …   Wikipedia

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