convective precipitation

convective precipitation
конвективные осадки

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "convective precipitation" в других словарях:

  • Precipitation (meteorology) — Long term mean precipitation by month In meteorology, precipitation (also known as one of the classes of hydrometeors, which are atmospheric water phenomena is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under… …   Wikipedia

  • Precipitation types — In meteorology, precipitation types can include the character or phase of the precipitation which is falling to ground level. There are three distinct ways that rain can occur. These methods include convective, stratiform, and orographic rainfall …   Wikipedia

  • Convective storm detection — is the meteorological observation of deep, moist convection (DMC) and consists of detection, monitoring, and short term prediction. This term includes the minority of storms which do not produce lightning and thunder. Convective storms can… …   Wikipedia

  • Convective available potential energy — A skew T plot showing a morning sounding with a large hydrolapse followed by an afternoon sounding showing the cooling which occurred in the mid levels resulting in an unstable atmosphere as surface parcels have now become negatively buoyant. The …   Wikipedia

  • Convective inhibition — A Skew T diagram with important features labeled Convective inhibition (CIN or CINH) is a numerical measure in meteorology that indicates the amount of energy that will prevent an air parcel from rising from the surface to the level of free… …   Wikipedia

  • Convective instability — For a more general discussion of the same phenomenon, see Convective available potential energy. This article incorporates public domain text created by the US government. In meteorology, convective instability or stability of an airmass refers… …   Wikipedia

  • Convective condensation level — The convective condensation level (CCL) represents the height where an air parcel becomes saturated when lifted adiabatically to achieve buoyant ascent. It marks where cloud base begins when air is heated from below to the convective temperature …   Wikipedia

  • Convective temperature — The convective temperature (CT or Tc) is the approximate temperature that air near the surface must reach for cloud formation without mechanical lift. In such case, cloud base begins at the convective condensation level (CCL), whilst with… …   Wikipedia

  • convective SIGMET — Weather advisory concerning convective weather significant to the safety of all aircraft. Convective SIGMETs are issued for tornadoes, lines of thunderstorms, embedded thunderstorms of any intensity level, areas of thunderstorms greater than or… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Convective — Précipitations météorologiques venant de systèmes où la convection est le facteur principal comme dans une averse ou un orage. Les mouvements verticaux y sont importants mais de relativement courte durée. Portail de la météorologie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mesoscale convective system — A shelf cloud such as this one can be a sign that a squall is imminent A mesoscale convective system (MCS) is a complex of thunderstorms that becomes organized on a scale larger than the individual thunderstorms but smaller than extratropical… …   Wikipedia

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