controllable pitch

controllable pitch
регулируемый шаг

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "controllable pitch" в других словарях:

  • Controllable pitch propeller — A controllable pitch propeller (CPP) or variable pitch propeller is a type of propeller with blades that can be rotated around their long axis to change their pitch. If the pitch can be set to negative values, the reversible propeller can also… …   Wikipedia

  • Controllable Pitch-Propeller — Ein Verstellpropeller Verstellpropeller sind Propeller, bei denen der Einstellwinkel der Propellerblätter variabel ist, wodurch der Anstellwinkel der Blätter an verschiedene Betriebssituationen angepasst werden kann. Verstellpropeller kommen als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Controllable pitch propeller — Ein Verstellpropeller Verstellpropeller sind Propeller, bei denen der Einstellwinkel der Propellerblätter variabel ist, wodurch der Anstellwinkel der Blätter an verschiedene Betriebssituationen angepasst werden kann. Verstellpropeller kommen als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • controllable-pitch — /keuhn troh leuh beuhl pich /, adj. (of a marine or aircraft propeller) having blades whose pitch can be changed during navigation or flight; variable pitch. Cf. adjustable pitch. [1935 40] * * * …   Universalium

  • controllable-pitch — /keuhn troh leuh beuhl pich /, adj. (of a marine or aircraft propeller) having blades whose pitch can be changed during navigation or flight; variable pitch. Cf. adjustable pitch. [1935 40] …   Useful english dictionary

  • controllable-pitch propeller — A propeller whose pitch can be altered by the pilot in flight. Unlike in a constant speed propeller, where the governor automatically controls the pitch, here the pilot carries out the pitch adjustments. Takeoff is made with a low blade angle, so …   Aviation dictionary

  • Pitch-Propeller — Ein Verstellpropeller Verstellpropeller sind Propeller, bei denen der Einstellwinkel der Propellerblätter variabel ist, wodurch der Anstellwinkel der Blätter an verschiedene Betriebssituationen angepasst werden kann. Verstellpropeller kommen als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • adjustable-pitch —  ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective of an airplane propeller : having means of pitch adjustment of the blades while at rest but incapable of such adjustment while in motion * * * /euh jus teuh beuhl pich /, adj. (of a marine or aircraft propeller)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • adjustable-pitch — /euh jus teuh beuhl pich /, adj. (of a marine or aircraft propeller) having blades whose pitch can be changed while the propeller is stationary, chiefly to suit various conditions of navigation or flight. Cf. controllable pitch. [1905 10] * * * …   Universalium

  • variable-pitch — /vair ee euh beuhl pich /, adj. Aeron., Naut. (of a propeller) controllable pitch. * * * …   Universalium

  • variable-pitch — /vair ee euh beuhl pich /, adj. Aeron., Naut. (of a propeller) controllable pitch …   Useful english dictionary

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