controllability matrix

controllability matrix
матрица управляемости

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "controllability matrix" в других словарях:

  • Controllability — is an important property of a control system, and the controllability property plays a crucial role in many control problems, such as stabilization of unstable systems by feedback, or optimal control. Controllability and observability are dual… …   Wikipedia

  • Controllability Gramian — In control theory, the controllability Gramian is a Gramian used to determine whether or not a linear system is controllable. For the time invariant linear system the controllability Gramian is given by If the matrix Wc is nonsingular, i.e. Wc… …   Wikipedia

  • Network controllability — Controlling a simple network. Network Controllability concerns the controllability a network. Controllability describes our ability to guide a dynamical system from any initial state to any desired final state in finite time, with a suitable… …   Wikipedia

  • Gramian matrix — In linear algebra, the Gramian matrix (or Gram matrix or Gramian) of a set of vectors v 1,dots, v n in an inner product space is the symmetric matrix of inner products, whose entries are given by G {ij}=(v i|v j).An important application is to… …   Wikipedia

  • State space (controls) — In control engineering, a state space representation is a mathematical model of a physical system as a set of input, output and state variables related by first order differential equations. To abstract from the number of inputs, outputs and… …   Wikipedia

  • Fast Kalman filter — The fast Kalman filter (FKF), devised by Antti Lange (1941 ), is an extension of the Helmert Wolf blockingfn|1 (HWB) method from geodesy to real time applications of Kalman filtering (KF) such as satellite imaging of the Earth. Kalman filters are …   Wikipedia

  • Control theory — For control theory in psychology and sociology, see control theory (sociology) and Perceptual Control Theory. The concept of the feedback loop to control the dynamic behavior of the system: this is negative feedback, because the sensed value is… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (C) — NOTOC C C closed subgroup C minimal theory C normal subgroup C number C semiring C space C symmetry C* algebra C0 semigroup CA group Cabal (set theory) Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa matrix Cabinet projection Cable knot Cabri Geometry Cabtaxi number… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear reactor physics — See also: Critical mass Nuclear reactor physics is the branch of science that deals with the study and application of chain reaction to induce controlled rate of fission for energy in reactors. Most nuclear reactors use a chain reaction to induce …   Wikipedia

  • Observability — For the concept in quantum mechanics, see observable. Observability, in control theory, is a measure for how well internal states of a system can be inferred by knowledge of its external outputs. The observability and controllability of a system… …   Wikipedia

  • Madhunapantula Suryanarayana Murty — (M.S.N.Murty) is a very well known person in Aaraama Dravidulu community and also an Eminent Applied mathematician from Andhra Pradesh in South India. He was born in a middle class Aaraama Dravidulu Telugu Brahmins family, to M.V.Subba Rao and… …   Wikipedia

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