- control switch
1) контрольный переключатель2) управляющий переключатель; ключ управления
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
control switch — valdymo jungiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. control switch vok. Steuerschalter, m rus. выключатель управления, m pranc. clé de commande, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
control switch — valdymo raktas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. control switch vok. Steuerschalter, m rus. ключ управления, m pranc. clé de commande, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
control switch — See vacuum control switch … Dictionary of automotive terms
Load control switch — A load control switch is a remotely controlled relay that is placed on home appliances which use a lot of electricity, such as air conditioner units and electric water heaters. A load control switch consist of a communication module and the relay … Wikipedia
Wireless remote control switch — A Wireless remote control switch is an electric switch which is controlled by a radio or other signal and does not require an operator to touch the switch is known as a wireless remote control switch. The remote control device, if electrically… … Wikipedia
vacuum control switch — A switch that monitors the vacuum signal enabling the ECU to recognize open or closed throttle (idle) operation … Dictionary of automotive terms
Presentation switcher (master control switch) — A&V Another term for master control switcher used in Europe and some other countries outside the US. There are minor differences applicable to the specific area of use … Audio and video glossary
Switch — For other uses, see Switch (disambiguation). Electrical switches. Top, left to right: circuit breaker, mercury switch, wafer switch, DIP switch, surface mount switch, reed switch. Bottom, left to right: wall switch (U.S. style), miniature toggle… … Wikipedia
switch — A device that opens and closes an electric circuit. See actuating switch ambient temperature switch authority Limit Switch battery master switch dimmer switch dipper switch door pillar switch fuel cut off switch fuel pump shut off switch … Dictionary of automotive terms
Switch-technology — is a technology for automata based programming support. It was proposed by Anatoly Shalyto in 1991. It involves software specification, design, implementation, debugging, documentation and maintenance. The term “automata based programming” is… … Wikipedia
Switch board (framework) — Switch Board is a MVC framework written for PHP. Its original concepts were taken from a preexisting ColdFusion/PHP framework called Fusebox. Its evolution through development has greatly changed its structure to have very little resemblance to… … Wikipedia