control baseline

control baseline
контрольный базис

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "control baseline" в других словарях:

  • baseline — aseline n. 1. an imaginary line or standard by which things are measured or compared; as, they established a baseline for the budget. [WordNet 1.5] 2. the back line at each end of a tennis court. [WordNet 1.5] 3. (Baseball) the lines between… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Baseline (configuration management) — Configuration management is the process of managing change in hardware, software, firmware, documentation, measurements, etc. As change requires an initial state and next state, the marking of significant states within a series of several changes …   Wikipedia

  • Baseline (pharmacology) — In pharmacology and matters of biochemistry, baseline describes a person s state of mind or being, in relation to drug use. For example, after an LSD trip, baseline would be the point where the user is completely under control and no longer… …   Wikipedia

  • Control de versiones — Una versión, revisión o edición de un producto, es el estado en el que se encuentra dicho producto en un momento dado de su desarrollo o modificación. Se llama control de versiones a la gestión de los diversos cambios que se realizan sobre los… …   Wikipedia Español

  • baseline — noun Usage: often attributive Date: 1610 1. a line serving as a basis; especially one of known measure or position used (as in surveying or navigation) to calculate or locate something 2. a. either of the lines on a …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • baseline — /bays luyn /, n. Also, base line. 1. Baseball. the area between bases within which a base runner must keep when running from one base to another. 2. Tennis. the line at each end of a tennis court, parallel to the net, that marks the in bounds… …   Universalium

  • baseline — base·line bā .slīn n a set of critical observations or data used for comparison or a control * * * base·line (bāsґlīn) an observation or value that represents the normal background level, or an initial level, of a measurable quantity;… …   Medical dictionary

  • control group — A group used for comparison with another, either because it represents the most common or typical case, or because it illustrates the absence of some phenomenon being studied. Human beings are not inert, lifeless matter, and hence cannot be… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • control (experimental) — Experimental research designs require that all cases are randomly allocated to either the experimental group which receives the treatment being tested, or to a control group which receives no treatment or an ineffective (placebo) treatment, and… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Revision control — For the Wikipedia revision control system, see Wikipedia:Revision control. Example history tree of a revision controlled project. Revision control, also known as version control and source control (and an aspect of software configuration man …   Wikipedia

  • Multiple baseline design — A multiple baseline design is a style of research involving the careful measurement of multiple persons, traits or settings both before and after a treatment. This design is used in medical, psychological and biological research to name a few… …   Wikipedia

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